Mitth’raw’nuruodo was still waiting, watching him silently. Doriana closed his hand around the grip of his blaster...
And paused. Mitth’raw’nuruodo, brilliant tactician. Equally brilliant strategist. A being who could take on Republic warships, nomadic pirates, and even Jedi, and win against them all.
And Doriana was actually considering killing him?
“What are you waiting for?” Kav broke impatiently into his thoughts. “You have him alone and unprotected. Shoot him!”
Doriana smiled tightly; and with that, the underlying tension that had been nagging at him ever since his task force’s destruction finally faded away. “Don’t be absurd, Vicelord,” he said. Pulling out the blaster, he leaned over and set it on an empty chair between him and Mitth’raw’nuruodo. “I would as soon shatter thousand-year-old crystal as kill a being such as this.”
Mitth’raw’nuruodo inclined his head, his eyes glittering. “So I was indeed right about you,” he said.
“Eventually,” Doriana conceded. “But then, I don’t imagine you’re wrong very often.”
“Then let this be your final mistake,” Kav bit out, slapping at his desk chair’s arm and popping open a hidden panel. In a single smooth motion he scooped out another hold-out blaster, pointed it at Mitth’raw’nuruodo, and fired.
The shot never reached him. Instead, it struck the faint haze that had suddenly appeared between them, then bounced straight back into Kav’s torso. []
“It was still something of a risk, wasn’t it?” he asked, striving to keep his voice conversational.
“Not really,” the other assured him. []
“I meant the risk you took with me,” Doriana said. “The shield wouldn’t have blocked my shot.”
“No, it wouldn’t,” Mitth’raw’nuruodo agreed.
I should be damned for quoting Kinman Doriana before "my" Jorj in this account.
But maybe it is indeed because I love Car'das so deeply that I cannot drop a random quote on a generic Thursday for giving him the justice he deserves.
And Thrawn described here by the heart-shaped-eyed Kinman is far too perfect not to share.
So, I did.
[Photo: he should be in a Chiss uniform for this quote, so forgive me if I share this stunning pin instead by
@kjones_crafts and the beautiful tumbler by