
Thanks for all the fish

So. Another post about the end of the world. Yes, I'm pretty much into this thing tonight. First at all because I was actually thinking that, if I will die today, I'll do it quite happily. Ok. I'm not a Doctor yet (Damn, Sheldon). But I published something anyway. So. Whatever. I have great humans who love me. And THAT's a big YAY. Ok. I will be disappointed because I won't know how Sherlock survived the fall. I'm also pissed because the last Green Arrow run sucked. And I'd love that the old version of Ollie will be back. (Important stuff, folks, important stuff).

More than everything, I'm thinking that today, Friday 21st 2012, will be, in some ways, the end of the world for someone.

Mr. Lucas. I'm sorry.
But you already did it. You sold the franchise to the rat.
I don't think that suing the Maya will help.

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