
Your Nothing. My something.

In these days, like a lot of other people I guess, I'm thinking about JJ and SW.
I'm SERIOUSLY thinking about JJ and SW.

The fact I don't like Mr. Abrams' visions is not a news and I don't even want to start listing all the reasons because I don't.
With ST, I moved on, repeating "alternate universe" as a mantra.

But this is SW.
This is SW with the characters that I love.

Mr. Lucas partially did his mess, but, ultimately, I did not care.
He gave me Qui-Gon and he couldn't ruin the characters I love because they were not born yet.

But now. I am afraid. I mean. I am REALLY scared.
SW formed part of the person I am.
Luke Skywalker formed part of the person I am.
And I know you can find this SAD, but this is it.
I was 4 when I saw TESB in the theater. I read the novelization of ROTJ so many times that I consumed the pages.
I survived bulling during elementary school repeting to myself that anger was the path to the dark side. And, 30 years after, I'm crying while I'm writing this.

So no.

I did not see any trailer, I did not read any article.
I DID see the poster. And I noticed WHO is missing.
SO. I'm terrified.

Sorry. I just wanted to say it.

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