I read recently a comment about Star Wars Squadrons, and I agree with a lot: you cannot be matched with people 60 levels different than yours (I'm not even joking) and really enjoy the competition.
It's not about winning, really.
It's literally that it's another level. Not even fun for both parties.
Imagine a tennis match where Nadal is forced to play vs. my plumber. With all the respect for my plumber, who maybe it's an astonishing tennis player, I don't think it would work.
Like ace, ace, ace, game.
So. What about Beat Saber?
So far it is AMAZING.
And I hope it will stay like this for a while (at least the whole weekend?), where people of a certain level really play at that level.
Maybe it's because Beat Saber is more a family thing, so the average player is indeed average.
But, so far, it's balanced.

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