But he didn’t get a chance to find out. She stopped dead in the crowd of droids and stared up past him at the wall.
It wasn’t until she reached out her hand and he felt what she was doing that his stomach lurched.
She was Force-pulling the wall down on top of him.
“Don’t move, Skyguy …”
“Trust me. Don’t move a muscle.”
“No! No!”
He was plunged into rumbling shadow. [] I’m dead, I’m dead, what a stupid way to go—
It took him a few moments to realize that the wall hadn’t crushed him. []
“Are you okay, Master? Come on, we can’t hang around.”
Anakin looked up to see an outline of a small figure with head-tails. []
“How the— [] You could have killed me!”
“No, I knew exactly what I was doing.” Her tone was faintly offended—Anakin could hear it despite the ringing in his ears. []
Anakin felt both angry and churlishly ungrateful at once. She’d saved his life. []
Did he really need rescuing by a green Padawan who’d landed only a few hours ago?
She reached down into the pit and extended an arm. “Come on, Skyguy,” she said. “Rex is counting on us.”
After this first, on a random day in Crystal City, Ahsoka saved Anakin's life something like a gazillion times.
Smashing, crashing, exploding.
Not unusual, sure, between a Master and a Padawan.
Yet, their sweet way of constantly looking after each other is my favorite part of Clone Wars.
Witty exchanges, small gestures.
The unspoken unbreakable bond.
Curious how Jedi, abhorring any form of attachment, systematically forced two random people to care for one another.
For years.
I grow fond of my mugs, after a few months of use. I cry if they broke.
How not feel utterly devastated if the most important person in your life leaves you?
On a random day in Crystal City, Ahsoka saved Anakin's life.
Unfortunately, not the one that mattered.
[Photo: @ritarussiandoll_pins pin, @crazy_toma777 art. That Anakin's look over Ahsoka's smile. It's perfection. In the background, @poppourrico mouse ears]

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