That kind of sentiment made Vi feel squirmy, like a little kid caught in a lie.
“I’m not Force-sensitive. I’m a nobody from Chaaktil. I’ve been near General Organa, and you can definitely feel the power radiating from her. But I’m not like that.”
Ylena stopped, both of the crystals cupped in one hand. She placed the other hand on Vi’s shoulder and beamed at her. “The Force is all around us,” she said. “You don’t have to be sensitive to it to attract it, to be part of it. We’re all part of it. Some people are just…well, think of it like a butterfly landing on you. That doesn’t mean you’re a flower. It just means that you smell sweet. It’s a good thing.”
I love this.
Smelling sweet.
Although Star Wars is indubitably about fate and inevitability, about a Destiny "royal family' gifted with superhuman powers, I always loved all those inspiring marvelous characters that aren't mystically gifted, the common folks, the underdogs that, yet, move mountains and conquer galaxies.
In a way, even if not the "Chosen One", even just as "a nobody from Chaaktil", we can do great things, we can be a means of change, a ray of compassion, strong in our commitment.
So, even if I might have dreamed to be a Jedi growing up, a Luke, a Rey, or a Qui-Gon, now I am aspiring to be a Vi, a Kuiil, a Leox, ultimately genuinely content to be an Ewok: 50 cm of furry messy energy able to inexorably take down one AT-ST at a time, with hard work, determination and a bunch of rocks.
Tuesday spirit.
[Photo: stunning t-shirts by @bound2bepic]

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