He led her forward a couple of steps, stopping her beside the weapons officer. “This is Senior Commander Afpriuh,” he said, identifying the man.
“I know,” Che’ri said, nodding to him. “Hello, Senior Commander.”
“Hello, Sky-walker,” Afpriuh said, nodding to her. []
Thrawn looked down at Che’ri. “What we’re going to do is have Afpriuh attempt to lock on with the tractor beam, using a low enough setting that it won’t have any visible effect. You, Sky-walker Che’ri, will be watching the sensor display, using Third Sight to see a few seconds into the future. [] If and when you see the freighter make the yaw turn we’re looking for, you’ll indicate that by tapping or pressing down on his hand. When that happens, he’ll run the tractor beam to full power before he activates it.”
“That can’t work,” Thalias insisted. []
“I don’t know if it’ll work,” Che’ri went on. “But shouldn’t we at least try?”
Thalias looked at Thrawn. “What happens if she doesn’t do this?”
“Perhaps nothing,” Thrawn said. “The analysts may not find anything suspicious, and then all will be well. If they do, there may be trouble among some of the families. Perhaps serious trouble. But those are only possibilities. If you’re uncomfortable with this, you don’t have to do it.”
Che’ri squared her shoulders. “No,” she said. Her voice was shaking a little, but there was no hesitation in it. “I didn’t think I could learn to fly a spaceship. You said I could, and I did. If you say I can do this, I can. Where do you want me?”
“Right here,” Thrawn said, moving her a few centimeters closer to Afpriuh. “This display—the one right here—is the one you’ll watch. I’ll keep it lined up on the freighter. Put your hand here—” he took her left hand and laid it, palm downward, on top of Afpriuh’s right hand “—and press or tap as soon as you see the freighter move. All right?”
She nodded. “I’m ready.”
Che'ri and Thrawn.
What an incredible power duo.
[She will be almost 40 during "Ahsoka"]
[Just saying]

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