[Transition that, I remind, was supported by both popular consensus and the Senate after the war]
In the whole canon, he is portrayed as a deeply intelligent, extremely calm, and attentive leader. He recognizes priorities and never loses focus on the big picture. An effective modern CIA or FBI agent, if you want.
Asked which minor SW character Zahn loved the most, he indicated Yularen without hesitation. He defined Wullf as "quietly competent," "smart," and "not inclined to choke people." This is probably why he is the only highly-ranked imperial truly connecting with Thrawn. The "Bak'if of the Empire," the one who can save Thrawn's ass every time he is court-martialled, and probably has his own bottle of Xanax in the drawer.
“I want to know what you’re doing here, and what your business was with Nightswan.” [] [Yularen] hesitates a second, then lowers the carbine to point at the ground. “I don’t believe you’re a traitor, Admiral. But this meeting has the appearance of treason, and that’s all your enemies would need to bring you down. Bottom line: You talk to me now, or someday you face them. Which is it going to be?”
Premising that I do generally love "Andor," HOW THE KRIFF did the LF Story Group authorize Yularen portrayal as an idiotically screaming, power-hungry, "how tight to close our fist", nazi SS?
The same Yularen who was devastated by the civilian casualties at Batonn?
“It was, by anyone’s standards, a slaughter,” Yularen said. *His voice is under control but holds deep regret and the echo of dark memories.* “I saw some horrendous things during the Clone Wars. This ranks right up there with the worst of them.”
Is it then *so easy* to completely misrepresent a super-established character now?
So, well.
Do not ask me, then, why I am so utterly terrified.
[Fact: "#Andor 1x07" Italian title is "Emperor's Hand"]
[Photo featuring more @meltarien Thrawn's cookies]

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