“Welcome, Jorj Car’das.”
Car’das looked around. Mitth’raw’nuruodo was seated alone at the far end of the couch, silhouetted against the hyperspace sky. “Commander,” he greeted the other, glancing a question at his guide. The other nodded, stepping back and closing the door on himself and the rest of the escort. Feeling more than a little uneasy, Car’das stepped around the near end of the couch and made his way across the curve.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Mitth’raw’nuruodo commented as Car’das arrived at his side. “Please; be seated.”
“Thank you,” Car’das said, easing himself onto the couch a cautious meter away from the other. “May I ask why you sent for me?”
“To share this view, of course,” Mitth’raw’nuruodo said drily.
“I merely wish your company for a time.”
“Partly to learn about your people,” Mitth’raw’nuruodo said. “But primarily so that you may teach me your language.” []
“I see,” Car’das said cautiously. [] “I’ll be happy to teach you Basic, but I’d also like some language lessons myself." []
“I can teach you to understand Cheunh,” Mitth’raw’nuruodo said, his eyes narrowing thoughtfully. “But I doubt you’ll ever be able to properly speak it. I’ve noticed you don’t even pronounce my name very well. [] However, I believe I could teach you to speak Minnisiat. []”
“That would be wonderful,” Car’das said. “Thank you, Commander Mitth—uh … Commander.” []
“Perhaps it would be easier if you called me by my core name, Thrawn.”
Car’das frowned. “Is that permissible?”
Mitth’raw’nuruodo—Thrawn—shrugged. “It’s questionable,” he conceded. [] “But I believe such rules may be broken when there are good and valid reasons for doing so. In this case, there are.” []
[Pin, glitter variant by @enamel_empire]

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