Thrawn was a useful and formidable servant. But he would make an equally formidable enemy. And a servant with divided loyalties was no servant at all.
There was an even more intriguing question, however. If the Chiss also recognized that fact, and if Thrawn was indeed loyal to the Empire instead of the Ascendancy, would his own people decide he was a potential threat to them? If so, would they move to eliminate that threat?
And what of the Grysks? Lord Vader had dismissed them as a distant threat, one that could be ignored for the present. But he’d been unable to hide the fact that they were a threat.
Perhaps Thrawn was pointing in the right direction.
Perhaps an alliance between the Empire and the Ascendancy was what the future held. With himself, the Emperor, in command of both. It was an intriguing thought. Perhaps Thrawn could be made an even more valuable servant.
If he committed treason against the Empire, he would surely die.
If he was loyal to the Empire, perhaps he could be persuaded or manipulated into treason against the Ascendancy.
Thrawn’s expression hardened, and for that single awful moment Qilori thought he’d made the final mistake of his life. “Let me explain something, Qilori of Uandualon,” the Chiss said softly. “My job—the sole reason for my existence—is to defend the Chiss Ascendancy and protect my people. I will do whatever is necessary to achieve that goal, and I will allow nothing and no one to stand in my way. Do you understand?”
With a supreme effort Qilori kept his winglets motionless. “Yes,” he said.
“Good.” Thrawn held his gaze another moment, then inclined his head. “And now I believe it’s time we both returned to our appointed tasks.”
For those in the fandom who claim that Thrawn would be more loyal to the Empire.
[NO, loves, he wouldn't]
[Photo: re-stock of a beautiful LaylayMaru (Etsy) pin, Grand Admiral pearl variant]

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