Sono arrivata qui carica di tutto il mio migliore sarcasmo acido, come immaginate.
I saw these idiots so many times at this point, spent so much money, and for so many years that I think I'm entitled to.
But the truth is that I cannot say anything but.
It was moving and super fun and, honestly, artistically excellent.
I started to cry like a baby around mid-concert when I took this photo (*3* hours of concert btw), and I never stopped.
Prima che il mio telefono muoia completamente, comunque, voglio lasciare questo messaggio assolutamente professionale da vera critica musicale.
Ma come mi ero persa che Miyavi fosse COSI BONO?

2.20 am here and more tomorrow, but I need to post this before I sleep.
I state that I took very brief videos with the phone and nothing fancy like a real camera or shit because mostly I screamed and cried, not recording things.
I don't know who fucking took the video of the Tokyo concert, but it's a cheating villain, or the sound engineer there was drunk because, to be honest, **Hyde is still ABSOLUTELY MIND-BLOWING**
Also, sorry Toshi fans but for me Hyde on X songs it's a yes all my life.

I never was a fan, to put it mildly.
But if yesterday was an act, he deserves an Oscar because he was SO ADORABLE and SWEET, and where the aliens that kidnapped the real Yoshiki hid him because... ❤️
And everyone in the audience noticed.
At one point, they were discussing stuff in broken English, and Hyde, who was wearing on his head a PINK BRA that a fan threw at him (don't ask), placed on Yoshiki's head a BUNNY headband that another fan gave to Hyde.
And, I swear, he actually didn't really react.
I mean.
We're talking YOSHIKI.
The man that probably checks what he is wearing in ALL THE POSSIBLE angles with a special camera designed JUST FOR HIM at NASA.
With the bunny ears.
He and Hyde are like these super different classmates, the class clown and the teacher's pet that, for no foreseeable reasons become BFF.
And Miyavi is so sweet with him. Like the grownup grandchild that loves the grandpa to death.
By the way, Yoshiki said that the band name was pretty "bold," but he meant that, until we aren't actually, we aren't dead yet. That the world is pretty messed up, but if they were able to have a super band with Laruku fans in the same audience as X fans, everyone could live better and be kind to other people. And, ultimately live "as a fucking rockstar."
Kind of his own version of "carpe diem."
And he cried at least twice.
Because the people were signing and he was super emotional.
The audience was indeed amazing, doh.
The best people, REALLY.
Mostly Americans, coming like me from around the US, just two days for them. And some French and Dutch (at least the people around me), spanning 25 - 65 years old.
Everyone so crying and having so much FUN.
Ultimately, you know.
They are the fucking last rockstars.

I was like VERY close to the stage, Sugizo side.
And I can't unsee the things I have seen. 🙃
(I posted a video on FB but I have sort of a secondhand embarrassment for it).
The interactions between all of them and the audience were also unprecedented.
The absolutely enjoying but not insane crowd allowed them to actually "spread" themselves in the middle of the audience (I don't have better words, Because it wasn't precisely a stage diving kind of situation) and to receive things from the fans (Sugizo got a ring that immediate wore, and well, yes, Hyde got a pink bra that also immediately wore).
A true celebration.

Finally, I made peace with NY.
I managed to eat all the things I was tremendously missing. Which are generally not American at all.
Yesterday night, around 1.30 am, I went for a quick dinner after the concert, and I was offered a coffee and apple pie by this absolutely adorable old Latino waiter.
Thank you, random stranger. ❤️
I left a tip worth accordingly, of course, but officially there are sweet people in NYC too.
[So I have the feeling that Milan still wins the award for unfriendliness]
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