“I know the theory,” Thrass said ruefully. “I just usually don’t have it in my head where I can get at it.” He cocked an eyebrow at Thrawn. “By the way, joking aside, I really do enjoy the game, and I appreciate you teaching it to me.”
“Oh, I know,” Thrawn assured him.
“Good,” Thrass said. “I’m never quite sure if you’re picking up the subtexts and nuances beneath what I’m actually saying.”
“Sadly, I do sometimes have problems in that area,” Thrawn admitted. He picked up a cheese triangle from their snack platter and popped it into his mouth, then moved his nightdragon to an attack position against Thrass’s remaining whisperbird. “I suppose that’s why you’re in the Syndicure and I’m in the Expansionary Defense Fleet. We don’t have much need of subtext and theatrics in my profession.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Thrass said, pondering how he could get his whisperbird out of harm’s way. [] “Theatrics have their uses in any profession. In moderation, of course.” []
“So where were we really?”
“I believe my nightdragon was threatening your whisperbird.” []
“Right,” Thrass said, studying the board. “I think letting you take the whisperbird puts me in a better strategic position.”
“It does indeed,” Thrawn said approvingly. “Excellent. At this rate, I’ll soon have to rescind the spotting advantage I’ve been giving you.”
Thrass frowned at him. “What spotting advantage?”
“Haven’t you noticed?” Thrawn said innocently. “I’ve been playing you left-handed.”
“Ah,” Thrass said drily. Right. Playing a board game left-handed. Huge tactical sacrifice. “Now you’re just making fun of me.”
“Not at all,” Thrawn said. “Merely employing controlled confusion as a diversion.”
“I knew that,” Thrass assured him. “Okay, let’s give it a shot. Will you help walk me through this?”
My favorite memory of all.
Dedicated to the wonderful humans that never fail to cherish me, surprise me, cuddle me.
Here in the photo, a tangible representation of this kindness: some beautiful coasters by @outer.rim.life, a precious tumbler by @ghazar_glass, and a cup holder by @geekablycute.
I truly do not deserve you.

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