
You serve your master well

"You serve your master well, and you will be rewarded."

Personal and irrelevant post.

After three years of commendable service, the time of my Oculus Quest finally reached its end.

The "old" incredible device is still up and running, to be honest, but I have extraordinarily kind souls around me, and I recently received as a gift the new shiny version (the Oculus 2).
I'm loved and cuddled.
And it's perfect.

So, even if I painfully know that this post will bomb like biiiiig time, I need to express (and it's silly, I'm very aware of it) how grateful I am to my old Oculus.

And, yes, I do humanize almost all my devices and appliances.
I give names to cars and PCs and calculators.

And "Kanan", with its Jaig eyes decals, totally saved me during 412 days of isolation, deserving my endless gratitude.

Through it, I could see the sunset on Batuu, talk to Vader, flyby a ISD with my u-wing, explore the Himalayas, and experience the world as a blind person.

I could also draw nonsensical 3D sculptures with friends living miles away, dance with them, laugh at our collective inability to be serious during any "war simulator", and take idiotic selfies of our virtual (soldiers) selves instead.

Thank you, Kanan.
You truly served me well.

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