I love comics.
I love being hopelessly a nerd.
And I do love action figures and figurines.
Like. Really.
And what makes me even sadder, it is that most of the female characters are actually extremely powerful, and cool, and smart, and, honestly, well written.
So, why we are still doing this?

Why this so out of the blue?
This month, a lot of absolutely brilliant cosplayers are participating in the #shepropchallenge on Instagram.
Which is awesome.
(And you should follow the tag too).
They are talented and beautiful.
All. Of. Them.
And they love to cosplay smart, powerful, incredible women in comics and manga.
Following that tag, however, is a tiny little depressing too.
Because, for dressing like my favorite female character, who is intelligent, inspiring, strong, and complex, I need to wear often a swimming suit kinda outfit with half of my boobs out.
How this can be even remotely fine in 2020?
I mean.
They have all the right to dress as they feel like it and be proud and happy about it.
But why, for celebrating a female character I love, and trying to be "screen accurate", I need to go around half-naked?
It should not be like this.
It really should not.
Many male characters are extremely well written, and absolutely inspiring too. They don't need ass shots for being interesting.
And they can actually use fabric for their clothes.
Not 6 squared inches of latex.
And, news flash, you can still fantasize about them, if that is your thing.
Yes, even if they canonically wear 12 layers of armor.
(Search any fully dressed male character on AO3, and let me know).
So, I am sorry for the guys out there that dream (use another not PG13 word here) about boobs that are so large and high and firm that you can use them as trays.
But, really, get over it.
And it's not a global conspiracy for altering the humanity sacred way of living (probably, in their mind, lead in the shadow by Kathleen Kennedy).
It's just that we are people, not trees.
Society change.
We change.
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