I saw every single pirates, buccaneers, and corsairs movie, good (few) and bad (a lot).
For how long I can remember, Pirates of the Caribbean has been my favorite Disney parks ride.
And, yes. Waaaaaaay before becoming a movie franchise.

And, I care to specify that the bandana is an original 1997 Pirates of the Caribbean merch from EuroDisney, and it has been with me during every single visit to the Disney parks all around the world since then. The pin, also a Disneyworld merch, is from my last park visit (!!) in June 2017.
When I was in middle school, I had a 'phase' in which I read just pirate books.
And, of course, I grew up completely in love with Captain Harlock.
So, for me, the "Talk like a pirate day" is a very very special day of the year.

And, I cannot close this post without the "photo" that my Sim avatar took tonight of Hondo Ohnaka, my Sabacc (and randomly woohoo) mate.
“Oh, the stories I could tell. So many of them true.”

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