"Well?" Thrawn prompted. [] "I presume you asked for a supply officer position?"
"I did," Eli confirmed as he inserted his own data card. "Good chance I got it, too—the bigger ships are always hurting for supply personnel…"
He trailed off. What the hell?
"What is it?" Thrawn asked.
It took Eli two tries to find his voice. "The Blood Crow," he choked out. "Aide to… Lieutenant Thrawn."
He looked up at Thrawn, a red haze of anger dropping over his vision. "Did you do this?" he demanded.
Thrawn shook his head. "No."
"Don't lie!" Eli snarled. "Lieutenants don't get aides. Ever. You set this up with the Emperor, didn't you?"
"The Emperor does not speak to me," Thrawn said. "Nor have I spoken with him since my first day on this world. [] If you wish, I will refuse to accept you in that position."
Eli looked down at his datapad, feeling the anger drain out of him. [] So that was that. In a single stroke, Eli's life had been completely upended.
Again. [] The career path most solidly guaranteed to go nowhere. And that assumed that Thrawn was even up-and-coming himself. [] Disrespect for nonhumans might not be official policy, but it nonetheless quietly pervaded the navy. Thrawn would have to try twice as hard as anyone else, and succeed twice as often, just to stay even with them. []
"Ensign Vanto?" Thrawn prompted. "Shall I speak with the commandant?"
"No point," Eli said, shutting down the datapad and putting it away. "The navy doesn't change orders just because junior officers don't like them. When you're an admiral, we'll see what you can do."
"I understand," Thrawn said quietly. "Very well. I shall strive to achieve that rank as quickly as possible."
Eli looked sharply at him. Was the damn Chiss mocking him?
But there was no hint of amusement in his face. Thrawn was deadly serious. [] Chiss didn't make idle boasts or promises. And once they set their minds to something, they succeeded or died in the attempt. Maybe he really thought he could make admiral someday. Maybe he was right.
"I'll look forward to it," Eli said. "Come on. The orders said to be on the Corellia transport at eighteen-hundred hours. We don't want to start our careers by missing our ride."
*My silly headcanon holo conversation after Thrawn was promoted to admiral*
Ar'alani: So, explain this to me one more time. You went there just for observing the Empire, yes?
Thrawn: Yes.
A: But you ended up doing aaaaall these insane things while dodging hate and jealousy, just to reach the Admiral rank as soon as possible.
T: Mmm, yes.
T: Eli was upset.
A: *skeptical face*
T: It is very logical, actually. He was upset because of his Navy assignments and promotions.
A: *still skeptical*
T: He said that it was impossible for me to change these sort of things holding a rank anything less than an Admiral...
A: *killer stare*
T: ...so I became one. *satisfied face*
A: So, you are now a Grand Admiral of the kriffing Empire because Eli was upset?
T: Obviously. *holding a delighted face*
A: *facepalm*
[Photo: wonderful Eli art print by @cherriielle]

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