How they broke her soul”
She paused. Eli remained silent, wishing that he had something of comfort to say. Knowing that he didn’t.
“They are a terrible enemy, Eli” Vah’nya said. “Your Empire—your former Empire—forces its will on its slaves through soldiers and weapons and warships. But the Grysks… three can command a nation. A hundred can rule an entire world. Billions of beings, their hearts and souls broken, ready to fight and die at the order of a handful of aliens.
No resistance, no revolt, no dissent, no hope.”
She looked up at Eli. [] “I won’t let that happen to me, Eli. I won’t let it happen to my four sister navigators. Nor will I let it happen again to Un’hee”
“I know how you feel” Eli said, a chill running up his back. [] “What do you want me to do?” []
Vah’nya looked him straight in the eye. “If the time comes when there is no hope, [] will you promise to kill me and my sisters?”
And there it was. The question Eli had known was coming. []
“I would never do anything to harm you, Vah’nya” he said quietly. [] “I would give my life without hesitation to save yours” He braced himself. “But there are worse things than death. [] You and your sister navigators will never have to endure that living hell” []
Ar’alani was waiting for him. “She spoke to you of her fear and request?” she asked. [] “And you’re prepared to deal with both?”
Eli swallowed. She knew, all right. She knew everything. [] “Yes, Admiral” he said. “I am” []
“Then stand ready, Lieutenant. And let us hope that Grand Admiral Mitth’raw’nuruodo is as prepared for his battle as we are for ours”
Eli nodded. “He is, Admiral. He always is”
*No resistance, no revolt, no dissent, no hope*
Pure horror.
And Eli.
Willing to sacrifice, to lacerate his most pure essence to protect the ones he loves.
Like Thrawn before him.
[Photo: lovely Eli charm by @cherriielle]

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