Vi released his shoulders and stepped back.
"Archex, what are you doing? [] Were you trying to kiss me?"
He squeezed his eyes shut like a child trying to hide. "No. Yes. Maybe?" []
"Then I'll go ahead and let you in on a little secret: I'm not into it." []
"It just felt like—I'm so sorry—"
She interrupted him before he could dig himself into a hole. "Look. We work together. We're partners. I care about you, but not like that."
She'd never cared for anyone like that, men or women, never had such urges. [] She tossed him a grin. "Look, just know that I'm your friend, and I'm here for you. Not romantically or physically, but for pretty much anything else. You can count on me. Okay?"
["Black Spire" by D. S. Dawson]
"Now, see, that I just don't get," Leox said later, when Affie and Geode tried to explain the Jedi to him. "How are you supposed to prove love to the galaxy at large if you don't know how to love one individual person?" []
"You don't have to have sex with someone to love them. You should know that if anyone does.
"Indeed I do."
["Into the Dark" by C. Gray]
There are gazillion reasons why people decide to NOT come out. And they are ALL valid.
So, on this National Coming Out Day, I want to say: no worries, no pressure.
Even if you are not out, not planning to be, maybe not even with yourself.
I want you to know: you are welcome and loved, and you can always speak with me.
Personally, I never being "in", actually. I was very clear to anyone asking since I was 12 or 13. The posters in my room were pretty self-explanatory as well.
Unfortunately, though, —bi problems— you are never *truly* believed until you introduce him or her or them. Everyone is then very shocked, trying hard to put you in their mental boxes. Besides dating, I spent eleven years of my life in long-term relationships with men, and the last seven with a woman. At 45, it would be nice not to have people still saying that I am "confused."
But, it is their limit, not mine.
I can fly anything.
[Photo: tookas pride by @hans.pins, kyber crystal by @liminalpins]

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