“Tell me of Lieutenant Vanto,” Thrawn said. “Has his study achieved success?”“Not yet,” Ar’alani said. “But he continues with determination. If success is possible, I have no doubt he will be the one to achieve it. [...] My official report will feature Lieutenant Commander Eli’van’to most prominently.”Thrawn’s lips might have twitched in a small smile at Vanto’s new rank.Faro couldn’t tell for sure.
Many are the SW characters notable for their self-awareness path and personal growth across books and series (Kanan, Ezra, Finn, just for mentioning a few). However, Eli's progression in discovering his potential and exceptional abilities is, as you can guess, something that I treasure in my heart.
For 15 consecutive Thursdays and two more posts, I revisited the exemplary journey of this extraordinary human from the Wild Space.
His endless kindness, care, honesty, and ultimate selflessness (Jun 24, Sept 23), his acceptance of diversity (Jul 1), and his contempt toward racism and bigotry (Jul 8, Sept 2). His sadness in not being understood or accepted by his parents, especially in their biases towards Thrawn (Sept 2).
His bold opinions against the Navy's nepotism, hidden politics, and disrespect of life (Aug 5, Sept 9), and his unbreakable integrity and ethic, facing alone the consequences of both (Jul 22).
His so genuine happiness when reaching his goals (July 29), his humility and modesty (Sept 16), while showing an unparallel ability to understand patterns and data (Jul 15).
His role as patient mediator, "society rules interpreter", and, fundamentally, ability to read the logically wired Thrawn's brain, heart, and soul (Aug12, Aug 26, Sep 9).
Their relationship, their bond, their deep friendship (Feb 15, Mar 15, Apr 3, Aug 23, Aug 26, Jul 29, Sep 2, Sept 9, Sept 30).
Thank you for being with me on this ride.
As in the case of Ar'alani, the series is far from being concluded, and many are the stories that I still want to share.
I will be here, week after week, for many more glimpses of everything these exquisite characters taught me.
[Photo: One of my most cherished pins. Art by @junchan_nyan_art, pin by @ritarussiandoll_pins]

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