He paused again [...]. “I wish to offer you an honor that has seldom been given to Stybla, and even more infrequently to members of other families. Your name, Mitth’raw’nuru, will henceforth carry the additional appellation odo. In Tybroic, the original language of our family, it was the word-mark of a guardian or protector who had proved worthy of the most extraordinary respect.”
He opened the desk drawer beside him and lifted out the four-point pinwheel medal that had been given to Thrawn so long ago at the Stybla honoring ceremony. [...]
Thrawn took the medal, cupping it in his palm, and for a moment gazed at it in silence and remembrance. Then he looked up and handed it back. “Thank you,” he said. “I’d prefer you keep it safe for me, if you don’t mind. The path I’m on may turn out to be rockier than expected, and I’d hate to lose it.”
I cannot describe my feelings while reading these words.
The final, canonical confirmation that whatever Thrawn did and does —who he ultimately IS— is to take care of everyone.
Chiss, crew members, pilots, slaves, refugees.
The match point against all the "He is a villain" sayers.
How not Supremacy or Power but the Guardian theme is focal in "Lesser Evil", the Ascendancy Trilogy, and Zahn's canon books in general.
Thrawn, Thrass, Uingali, Thalias, Ar'alani.
In a way, all silent, hidden, attentive keepers.
Of sky-walkers, ships, populations.
And, yes, also protectors of Thrawn himself.
So, the pinwheel.
A memento that curious, tolerant, patient, and kind souls may express their care and love in ways and forms that are unusual and different.
But not less real.
Or true.
Like this community does.
People of unlike background and culture, ethnicity and religion.
On this first Thrawn Thursday of the year, a celebration for you all.
[Photo: French paperback version of "Chaos Rising", and one of the pinwheel accessories that I compulsively bought after reading the last page of "Lesser Evil"]

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