“I have nothing but respect for Mitth’raw’nuruodo’s abilities. I disagree with his choice of position.” []
“You mean his service with the Empire?”
“Yes.” Ar’alani half turned to gaze out the forward viewport. “There are grave threats facing the Ascendancy. []” She turned back to Faro. “Is his life here truly so much better?” []
“His life here is precarious,” she told Ar’alani. “But this is apparently where he thinks he can best serve all of us. Including the Ascendancy.”
“Someday, Mitth’raw’nuruodo, you’ll overthink and overplan, and it will come crashing down all around you. When that happens, I hope someone is there to lift you back to your feet.”
“You, perhaps?”
Ar’alani shakes her head. Her expression holds regret, perhaps even pain. “I very much fear I will never see you again. [] If you don’t return quickly, there may be nothing left for you to return to.”
“I understand. But for now, I must remain here.”
“Then do what you deem right,” Ar’alani said. Her expression is stiff but firm, holding farewell. “And may warrior’s fortune be ever in your favor.”
Thrawn’s eyes seemed to focus on something in the distance behind Ba’kif. “My job is to protect the Ascendancy and the Chiss people, sir,” he said quietly. “Whatever it costs to achieve that goal, I will pay it.”
The comm screen lit up with a face. [] Her blue-black hair was tied in a tight knot at the back of her head. [] “I am Admiral Ar’alani of the Chiss Defense Fleet,” she said in a clear voice []. “Are you he?”
“I am he.” Eli took a deep breath. “I am Eli Vanto. I bring greetings to you from Mitth’raw’nuruodo. He believes I can be of some use to the Chiss Ascendancy.”
“Welcome, Eli Vanto” Ar’alani said, inclining her head in greeting. “Let us learn together if he was correct.”
After everything else.
You gave them even Eli.
"Whatever it costs."
[Photo: custom necklace by @caitlynminimalist]

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