“I have some ideas,” Ar’alani said. “I’ll start with Thrawn’s friends.”
Ba’kif grunted. “I’m guessing that’s a short list.”
Ar’alani nodded heavily. “Yes. It is.”
Some people might think that the SW fans are intolerant, uninclusive, and, generally, mansplaining like hell.
And, yes, the fandom menace IS.
But that is the annoying and whining top of an iceberg that has the loveliest, nicest, and most generous humans under the surface.
A community that does not curse you if you post almost 100 stories in a day (or, at least, they are so kind to silently suffer your unstoppable need to share), that reads your excessively long captions, and does not call the closest asylum when you ask to print a pair of shorts just for the thrill to pretend you stole them from Thrawn's closet, as the perfect fag hag** that you are.
The story starts with @outerspaceoutpost producing this absolutely brilliant set of hilarious shorts, and @anna_thegodkiller buying a very cute, Eli-related, pair. From there, my twisted mind produced a mental scene in which an "I am flattered but I also I really don't know how I can explain to you this and I want to die a little" Eli has a surreal conversation with a puzzled Thrawn, who, obviously, wears the —spicy for us, factual for him— item. At this point, the insane idea was then commissioned to the unparalleled @lucenorthstar, with the dialogue support of @trisha.clev and the Thrawn who lives in her brain.
End of the story? Nope. Going full circle, I then actually asked a kind and acquiescent @outerspaceoutpost to produce the exact replica (color, text, and all) of the abovementioned shameless shorts.
And voilà.
Tell me again that this community is not utterly fabulous.
[**Note1: with the term I don't want to imply T sexuality, but more my headcanon attitude towards their partnership.
Note2: it is a terrible term, but since not-so-nice humans call me that since the beginning of time, I reclaimed it, like others do with "queer". Linguistic reappropriation is a form of personal empowerment, but I understand that, although it is my way of addressing name-calling, it might bother some]

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