Ba’kif stared at him. It wasn’t often that someone could catch him by surprise, especially not an alien. The words were organic, not rehearsed or meant as a performance. [...] These were the words of a military man, with a steadiness that spoke of growth and maturation yet to come. This man would be a leader. He could see Thrawn’s mark on the man, but he also remembered Thrawn’s words: he guided, he did not teach. These things were pre-existing, or they weren’t. But Eli Vanto’s strengths weren’t restricted to only patterns and tactics. Vanto was adept in politics, too.
And with that, Ba’kif understood.
He cleared his throat. “I called you here today because you deserved to hear from me about your former commander and fleet-mates. [...] I have but one more thing for you, Lieutenant Commander.”
Without looking away from those dark-edged eyes, the general pulled open the top drawer of his desk and pulled out a box from inside.
"I think that Thrawn would have wanted you to have this," Ba’kif said, pulling the plush lid off the box to reveal the four-pointed medal inside that gleamed gold and was polished to a flawless shine. "It was given to him many years ago." Slowly, methodically, he explained its significance: To the Stybla, and the Mitth, and to Thrawn, personally.
Vanto’s expression shifted from interest to awe, to something part embarrassed and part horrified. "Sir, I—I’m honored, but I couldn't possibly accept this."
Ba’kif made no move to take it back. "Then don't," he said. "Hold onto it for the time being. When Thrawn returns, you can give it back to him then."
Keeping my "Eli series" strong this week, with this excerpt from "Negotiate, Deliberate, Extort as Necessary" by @DistantStorm.
One of the main missteps when thinking about Eli Vanto is associating him with the topos of the lost young cute boy, completely bewitched by the strong alpha male.
A world of no.
15 years of "Sir" did not make Eli less bold, blunt, and honest.
And yes.
Even with Thrawn.
[Custom ring: @caitlynminimalist]

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