I saved this little passage many months ago, and, despite I really wanted to share the familiarity and the sweetness in it, I am always unsure when I know that the whole story, despite just barely hinted in here, implies a romantic or sexual relationship between Eli and Thrawn.
The unforgivable guilt is that I forgot to save both author and title. So, please, if you encounter this in your readings, let me know who gifted me with such a sweet heartwarming gem.
Thank you!
He opened one eyelid and nearly jumped out of his skin when he was met with four beady eyes staring back at him.
"I told you not to disturb Eli," came Thrawn's voice, gently chiding, and the yellow lizard was plucked up with a squeak. Eli turned around to see the Chiss holding the lizard high and close enough that it could play with his nose.
"Humans need six hours of sleep to function optimally," Thrawn was warning it, even as it evidently paid no attention to his words or the commanding tone of his voice. "If you disturb Eli again, I am going to have to leave you with Bridger, or keep you in an enclosure for the night. We don't want that, do we?"
*I kind of want that*, Eli thought, but sat up on the bed with an agreeable smile. Annoyed as he was with Thrawn for choosing a thrice-damned lizard over him the previous night, he couldn't deny that it was criminally endearing to watch the usually stoic, serious Chiss former Grand Admiral melt like chocolate the moment the diminutive ysalamir did anything cute.
Thrawn, thankfully, set the lizard down on the floor where it scampered off and went underneath the curtains, and turned his glowing red gaze on Eli.
Eli grinned. "Good morning."
[Photo: custom CEDF Eli Vanto by @poppourrico / @cardinal.creates. Sorry if I'm featuring these pops again. I really REALLY try not to repeat posting the same collectibles, but these were too fitting the weekly Eli and Thrawn theme to pass]

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