“The way she looks at the universe [makes her a good commander]. Certainly a better commander than I. [] Her officers follow her with confidence, even eagerness. Mine follow me because they’re good Chiss warriors.”
Samakro glanced around the bridge []. They were tense, he could tell, for all the same reasons he was. But he could see no panic or serious doubt. They’d been with Thrawn long enough to trust him to get them through whatever mess he was leading them into. Distantly, Samakro wondered if they’d had that same confidence back when he’d been the Springhawk’s commander.
Even from the beginning, the attitude of the officers and crew had struck him as unique. [] Everyone from Faro on down seemed intent on working together to do their jobs and complete their assigned tasks to the best of their ability.
The reason, of course, was obvious: Thrawn.
The grand admiral was smart and subtle, but never used his brilliance to show up or humiliate anyone. He demanded results, but never perfection, and had amazing stores of patience for those who were truly working to their fullest ability. He cared about his people, to the point of standing up for them even against the disapproval of powerful men like Lord Vader. []
The result was telling: a degree of loyalty Kimmund had seldom seen [].
Faro felt her eyes bulge. “My new [command]—sir?”
“Indeed,” Thrawn said, and this time there was no mistaking his smile. “Congratulations, Commodore Faro. May you serve the Eleventh Fleet as well as you’ve served the Seventh.”
“Thank you, Admiral,” Faro managed. “It—sir, it’s been the greatest privilege of my life to serve under you. I can only hope my officers will feel even a tenth of that pride and satisfaction under my command.”
“They will that, and far more,” Thrawn assured her. “And now, Commodore, one final time: You may prepare my ship.”
Inspiring people change lives.
And @geekablycute is precious.
She gifted me countless days of inner sublime joy.
"Thank you" is truly not enough.

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