
In a tuxedo

The "Screaming Citadel" is an unusual crossover, among the previous 'Star Wars' comic run, and the Doctor Aphra series.

As a collection of, basically, two writers and three artists, it is a little inconsistent in terms of the art quality.

However, I adore Marco Checchetto's works, and, here once again, I was absolutely blown away by his contribution. And surprisingly, I found the work of Salvador Larroca equally stunning.

In the set above, I collected some small edits of photos that I took of the pages.
Some illustrations are incredible, and it's astonishing to see such a wonderful resemblance with Mark Hamill in almost every page inked by Checchetto or Larroca.
[Which is not *so* common in comics]

Story-wise, it's maybe not one of my favorite runs, even if Aphra is indisputably hilarious (and Han too), and I will forever be grateful to Gillen (the main writer) for giving me Luke in the Star Wars version of a tuxedo.

Mental fanfictions for a lifetime.


Till the spire!

Scheduled to leave for Batuu on March 17, 2020, I started to read 'Black Spire' by Delilah Dawson exactly one year ago.

I didn't read any Star Wars novels for maybe 5 years, but I absolutely wanted to learn about "the culture and the locals" before my trip.
It is what wise travelers do!

Today, 14 books later, I couldn't hope to be back in the 'SW printed realm' with a more fitting story.

Star Wars is always about redemption.
It's about surviving a terrible past with resilience and patience.
It's always about forgiveness.

Luke and Anakin.
Rey and Ben.

Vi and Archex.

I adored Vi Moradi from page one.
She is nothing like the classical bold hero.
Nothing I saw before in a SW novel.
She is calm, cautious, thoughtful.
Almost invisible, at times.
(She is, after all, a spy).

She feels fear, yet she acts.
She is uncertain, yet she stands up.

And her emotional ability to read others is an ocean.

So, don't get me wrong, I adore Hondo and love Rey and Chewie.
But it's Vi the person that I want to meet the most the day I will travel to Batuu.

[Also, it's the first LGBTQA+ character I read about in a SW story, and the first openly asexual. And this counts.]

When I started this account, six months ago, I missed the chance to buy this so beautiful pin by @coralsnakegoods.
She sold out also Hondo, but she had some B-grade pieces, and so I decided to buy one. And since there was the snow, and she is an exceptionally lovely human, and I don't really know what other miracle, she decided to include in my package also a Vi pin (which she said it was defective, but, I swear, it's SO PERFECT to me).
I started to cry like a kid when I opened the box, then jumping around the living room repeating "omg omg omg I have Vi, I have Vi"

So, as usual, I am sharing my joy.
Till the spire!


What would Ahsoka do?

The small community I found on IG never fails to astonish me.

Especially after witnessing rude and intolerant behaviors by some fringes of this fandom, I am always astounded by the kindness, the attention, the openness of the people that comment on my Instagram account.

It is a kind of magic, really.
And maybe, just maybe, the link, the hidden connection in the algorithm is Ahsoka herself.

I read their love for her passion, her strength, her loyalty.
Empathy, courage, patience.
And I am immediately touched (also because, full disclosure, I cry very very easily for fandom-related stuff).

Ahsoka taught us compassion, resilience, independence.
Kid and grown-up kids, all of us, we are inspired by her every day.

"What would Ahsoka do?"

We related because she is not perfect.
We relate because she is always trying.
We related because there is always redemption, tolerance.

From the first moment we saw her walking down from the clones' ship, young and inexperienced, to the wise not Jedi warrior portrayed in The Mandalorian, we followed her journey as it was, a little, ours too.

And I feel so fortunate that every one of them is sharing their feelings and their personal vision of her with my little social space.


Exquisite mentoring-Thrawn is exquisite. Introduction.

"Everyone from Faro on down seemed intent on working together to do their jobs and complete their assigned tasks to the best of their ability. The reason, of course, was obvious: Thrawn. The grand admiral was smart and subtle, but never used his brilliance to show up or humiliate anyone. He demanded results, but never perfection, and had amazing stores of patience for those who were truly working to their fullest ability. He cared about his people, to the point of standing up for them even against the disapproval of powerful men like Lord Vader. [...] It was a pity Thrawn's style of leadership hadn't spread through the rest of the navy. Still, he was certainly having an influence on the younger officers. If he lasted long enough, maybe those lessons would someday become the military standard. If that happened, he suspected, the Empire would stand forever."

I add, as a long time Star Trek (!) fan, that THAT 'Thrawn-leadership style Empire' would look so much like Starfleet.

[In the photo, a wonderful RebelArtEmpire pin (on Etsy)]


Birthday Eve Happiness

Not a villain

Zahn-canon Thrawn is not a villain.

He is an antagonist, yes.
He plays in the "bad guys" team, yes.
But he is never ever evil.

Unless you consider "evil" to be like General Organa or Vice Admiral Holdo or anyone in the Rebellion or the Resistance that has ever taken a decision that led to killing other sentients beings.
They are at war, they make hard choices.

And, no, I am not claiming that the Empire and the Rebels are "the same". Even during a war, there are right reasons and higher purposes. And the Empire IS corrupt and tyrannical, and folks like Palpatine are never "very fine people".
So, yes, our heroes ARE the "good guys".

And, sure, it would be reductive to state that Thrawn does not know. He knows.
He perfectly knows.
He is aware of the hate, the pain, the atrocities of the Empire.

"What I don't understand is why you still serve the Empire. Can't you see the evil you're helping to perpetuate?" Nightswan tells him. "Take off that uniform, come to join us," he adds.

Thrawn's point is hard to accept, no doubts.
But he is firmly and genuinely convinced that the Empire might be a convenient prey, one day, devoured by "the far more evil things in this galaxy", while what that really matters can survive.

And there is not one occasion, NOT EVEN ONE, in which he *casually* kills, humiliates, disrespects another being. 
The care, recognition, loyalty, ability to lead and to make his subordinates thrive is *unparallel*.
Not even in any canonization of Leia, I saw so much guidance, attention.

I started to create this post by saying to myself "No problem to make my case. I can just report all the times that Thrawn demonstrates respect for others, for the word given, for sentient life, for kids, for his crew members, for his adversaries".


So, I placed a post-it on every page containing that.

And I ended up using 96 post-its.

[And this considering just longer sentences, not the occasional "Good work" or "Excellent" or "Opinion?" or him translating for his subordinates just to make them feeling included or him using words of comfort or understanding]

Zahn-canon Thrawn is not a villain.


Next time

I was supposed to work on this beauty today, finally fixing the switch box.

I don't like it, I must be honest with you.
As much I am totally in love with this Luke's saber (mainly for sentimental reasons), I really don't like bulky switch boxes.

That said, I'm also a screen-accurate freak (please jump the part where you lecture me about the OT Luke's sabers, I'm well aware that the ROTJ Hero A barely appears in the movies). And I want to take some photos together with Leia's saber.

But, it turned out, the grading is taking more time than I expected, so no saber smith feelings for me today.
Next time.


Saturday vibes

Officially, Team Tano won the small poll I did regarding the giveaway that was originally scheduled to be posted on February 25th (my birthday).

However, I decided to move it on February 23rd, Tuesday.

Seriously, I feel already super bad for the blue guy, since he lost the poll (I imagine his disappointment right now). So, I really don't have the heart to rob him also his dedicated day, Thrawn Thursday.
I know, I know.
Great problems.

By the way.
I feel that enough time passed since I posted the staging of this photo.

So, I can finally share this adorable @raewardstudios Ahsoka Tano keychain.

All the Jedi archives feelings for wonderful Saturday vibes. 


History repeating

Spoiler alert for the 'fandom menace'.

In 1999, Episode I was released, and a large part of my generation, the fans "who saw Star Wars in the theaters" -as it was the ultimate seal of fandom genuineness-, hated it.
It was "not Star Wars".
"Lucas ruined everything" (!!!).
"Anakin is horrible, Midi-chlorians are horrible, Hayden is horrible, Jar Jar is horrible, the sand is horrible."

They hated Attack of the Clones and badly disliked Revenge of the Sith too.
Believe me, I cacophonically heard them for years. It doesn't matter what they claim today.

They were the fandom menace.

But the kids? Oh, the kids, they loved it.
*You* loved it.
You, who when I ask "favorite SW movie ever" reply in an instant "Episode III."

So, while this war unfolds day after day, while, for arcane reasons, it seems impossible to love something without at the same time bashing something else (!!!) - "I love The Mandalorian: it is so much better than the sequels" - or opening a High Republic YouTube video without dodging your insulting comments, my generation (X) stands here, popcorns in our hands.
Watching history repeating.

And here, the spoiler.
It will come a time in which you will be the people with the popcorns.
And the kids of today, 30 years old and counting, will be claiming that their wonderful childhood heroes, Rey, Ben, Poe, Finn, Rose, Jannah, BB8, have nothing to share with the pale imitations that will be next.

ME? I will just be grateful that I had "Star Wars" all my life.


ThrawnThursday promo

And it's #ThrawnThursday!

I hope to help this hashtag to be more and more common.
[Pretty please?]
Our lovely blue mastermind truly deserves it, and, as far I know, Thursday wasn't taken.

I absolutely adore reading #TanoTuesday and #MandoMonday posts: they are all so creative and interesting, week after week.
And, yes, I keep following millions of people and a lot of hashtags, because, for me, IG is all about my fandoms' communities.

So, I am here trying to make #ThrawnThursday a reality, so as to have an intake of Chiss awesomeness every week.

What do you think?
Are you ready to spread (and follow) Thrawn love?

[In the photo, a super cute chibi pin by @hyperspaceprops, on a wonderful beanie made with love by @poppourrico]



On Valentine's Day, I posted the most healthy, honest, and unbreakable love relationship I know.
On Monday, I wrote about another partnership. Perhaps unromantic (perhaps not), but equally intense and valid.

But, the thing is, not all loves are safe and balanced.
Some are conflictual, complicated.
Even toxic.

Also without a physical assault, relationships may overpower us, distance us from ourselves, make us feel defenseless and paralyzed.
The power that we give when we love someone is often immense.
How that power is used might be dangerous.

Nevertheless, some of these complex relationships intrigue and attract us magnetically. As the angst we feel would be directly proportional to the passion (and, believe me, it is not).

Still, here I am, sharing with you this necklace that I own and cherish, the symbol, the quintessence of a terrifying yet fascinating relationship.
Ah! Humans!

[If you are not into the Harry Potter fandom, the pendant in the photo is a @thenoblecollection replica of the one which, in canon, contains the sealed blood of Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald after they made a blood pact in the summer of 1899]


Collector bug

Another #TanoTuesday in full Ahsoka -inspired clothes, but here I want instead to share the last addition to my collection.
(This sounds SO General Grievous that I can't even XD).

This Hot Topic Exclusive Clone Wars Ahsoka Tano release recently re-surfaced on their website, when a horde of collectors (or smugglers) jumped on it. I tried for hours, with the system telling me that I reached "the maximum number of items in my chart (?)", without any ultimate luck.

Mad at me, at the fandom, at the website, I ended up buying a Thrawn tank top.
[Because, of course, XD].
The following day, obviously, it was on Amazon for 29 dollars (vs. 10 on the original website, on which is still now, gloriously "out of stock").

Sigh, and whatever.
I love this FunkoPop, anyway.
"Until is under 50 dollars, you can buy this" I keep repeating to myself.


Tell me about Valentine's Day

It is said that one should keep one's allies within view, and one's enemies within reach. [...]
But what of friends?
There is no accepted answer, perhaps true friendship is so exceedingly rare. But I had formulated my own.
A friend need not be kept within sight or within reach. A friend must be allowed the freedom to find and follow his own path. If one is fortunate, those paths will for a time join. But if paths separate, it is comforting to know that a friend still graces the universe with his skills, and his viewpoint, and his present. For if one is remembered by a friend, one is never truly gone.

Eli read the entry a second time.
Then, with a sigh, he shut down his datapad.
He still didn't know why Thrawn had left him his journal.
Perhaps he'd seen it simply as history. Perhaps he's seen it as one final opportunity for training and instruction.
Or, perhaps the reason was encompassed somehow in that final entry.
Yesterday evening, while preparing my very-deserved Valentine's Day hot chocolate, I could not help but take this photo of my brand new adorable chubchub plushes by @penguinfairycrafts.

Perhaps, it is romantic love.
Perhaps, not.
This is, probably, into the reader's eyes.
But there IS love.
A LOT of love.
Over a year since he'd spoken to his onetime commander and mentor. [...] Thrawn's encouragement right now was just what he needed-
"Good day, Lieutenant Vanto," Thrawn said. [...]
Eli froze, his own readied greeting freezing in his throat.
That was it? "Good day, Lieutenant Vanto?" All the long months since their last meeting, and that was all the greeting he got? [...].

He started as the death troopers silently closed in around them, feeling his growing bewilderment and resentment disappear into understanding.

Of course - Thrawn was merely being formal here because of the urgency of the situation and because there were strangers present. Once they got someplace more private, that stiff and proper exterior would surely open up.
So, humor me, today.
"Lieutenant Vanto, tell me about Valentine's Day".


The soul and the heart

Inquisitive to the point of annoyance.
Sassy. Bold. Fearless.
Until you lost everything, Caleb Dume.
Everything you knew.
Everything you were.
But you survived.

Quick-witted to the point of arrogance.
Understanding. Passionate. Brave.
You never knew rest or peace, Hera Syndulla.
Always fighting, always "against".
Conquering every piece of love or happiness.
Even from your father.
But you survived.

Falling, Kanan Jarrus.
Trying to forget yourself at the bottom of an endless drink.
In another bed, with another woman.
Nothing with a sense, anyway.
Or so it seemed.

Spinning, Hera Syndulla.
Outpost after outpost.
Recruiting, never stopping.
Focusing on everything but yourself.
Or so it seemed.

Such an odd couple, these two.
Not formed. Unable to see their true selves, underneath.
The womanizer bartender.
And the stubborn rebel.
Such an odd couple, these two.

And then, suddenly, the mirror that both refused to observe, is there, excruciatingly, in front of them.
The truth.
And a choice.

Rebuilding themselves.

Honesty, for each problem or incomprehension.
Facing disagreement, loss, pain.
Trust, in each other abilities and skills.

Rising teenager kids.
Kids that were lost, kids that suffered, kids with scars.
Survivors themselves.
Kids that will be guided, with patience, tenderness, and attention, to bloom into an extraordinary leader, a compassionate warrior, and a selfless hero.

Kanan and Hera.
The soul and the heart.

Ultimately, building the most mature, strong, and healthy love partnerships we witnessed in any media.

I will never find the words to thank Dave Filoni, Carrie Beck, Henry Gilroy, John Jackson Miller, and everyone at @lucasfilm that gave us these two treasures.

In the photo, the absolutely magnificent Kanera pin by @kulturegirlflair and what is probably my favorite page of "A New Dawn" by Miller.

[I will forever miss bartender-Kanan, though].


Witty, handsome, educated, calm, tall man

"It matters which side we choose. Even if there will never be more light than darkness. Even if there can be no more joy in the galaxy than there is pain. For every action we undertake, for every word we speak, for every life we touch—it matters".

"[The ancient Jedi mystrics] could only predict the future through the prism of their own experiences. So by studying their words, their warnings, we learn more about their ways [...]. And by asking ourselves how *we* interpret these prophecies, we discover our fears, hopes, and limitations".

"I'm coming to believe that we must all interpret the Code for ourselves, or it ceases to be a living pact and becomes nothing but a prison cell".

I cannot truly express how much I adore Qui-Gon Jinn.

I was in love with Liam Neeson way before Episode I.
I was so obsessed with him that, in an era pre-Amazon, pre easily available international shipping, pre... everything, I asked my auntie to ask a colleague to ask his wife (not even joking here) to buy, while traveling in the US, a second-hand Neeson's biography for me. A book that, probably, even at the time, was owned by a grand total of 4 people in the world.
Including Liam's mom.

And even if Qui-Gon Jinn wouldn't have Liam Neeson's perfect face, perfect physical presence, perfect *voice*, the character alone would be enough for entering rightfully in my most loved top ten.

His beliefs.
His humanity.
His love (!).
[And, one day, we really need to be told the Felucia tale, by the way].

He defies biases, he is able to be compassionate and understanding with every "pathetic life form" that I can encounter.
He reads the human soul through history.

The large majority of my favorite SW quotes are Qui-Gon's.
And many of those are from "Master and Apprentice", so, ultimately, Claudia Gray.

[And read flawlessly by Jonathan Davis, the only man that can be *magnificently* be Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, AND Dooku in the same book).

When @thenerfherderco opened their shop, I was so eager to try their wax melts.
I'm a little bit of a smell freak.
I'm always burning or mist-ing or spraying something.
But I did not own a wax melter (!).

Melter bought, order done.

If Master Jinn even had a smell, THIS was it.
It smells witty, handsome, educated, calm, tall man. If this is a thing.

And I'm in love.

[Ps. @thenerfherderco sent me a sample of "Ben Solo" and I cried a little when I tried it.
I needed that in my life. I really did].

"Focus on what you can do, instead of what you can't".

"Memory is, in the end, all we truly possess".

"We don't choose the light because we want to win. We choose it because it is the light".
[This is Rael, not Qui-Gon, but I couldn't leave this out]



As if it wasn't clear, I'm totally obsessed with Thrawn since I started the first canon Zahn trilogy some weeks ago.

So *maaaaaybe* I'm going a little overboard with collecting related pins.

This @enamel_empire Chimaera pin is simple, but absolutely a must.

The snow, well.
That's Iowa.


Reality, Time and Pickett the Bowtruckle

Today has been a complex day at so many levels.
And time passes simply too fast.
I sit in front of my PC in the morning.
I check that reality still exists 12 hours later.

Meanwhile, the world goes on, stuff happens, everyone lives.

[And something happens in the fandom. Or in politics]
[Or, more commonly, in both]

Pickett the Bowtruckle is trying to suggest to me a solution.
And it would be a good one, to be honest.

I would pay big money for having the ability to live my days twice.
Every. Day.
Am I crazy?


Tanotuesday on a Tuesday

Tanotuesday on a Tuesday!
Not very sure that MY things are finally coming together, but definitely I try.
Fandoms help, as usual.

A note about the photo.
I noticed recently that, when I post stories about 'unboxing' my stuff or quickly showing what I just received by mail, I film with my right hand, and, so, the left one is in the frame.
This amazed me, because, before opening this IG, I never willingly showed my scarred left hand in a close-up.

When I was seven, I ended up having it smashed in an escalator. Three plastic surgeries later, I was an eight-year-old kid with a weird hand full of scars. Not promising for my elementary and middle school social life.

Avoiding showing my hand for something like 20 years, I started not caring too much about it in the last 10, mainly because the scars are mostly visible on the palm now.

I think that this account it's the ultimate acceptance stage.

So, once again, thank you, community!

[In the photo: an Amazon sweater in Ahsoka colors, that I totally love, and my favorite earrings by @geekablycute. DM me for info about the ring]


Inspired ears

As many of you know, a couple of weeks ago I had a small giveaway for thanking all of you for reading this silly space.

The winner of that context could choose among several Thrawn-related options, and, with my absolute bliss, she decided to receive these wonderful wonderful ears by @poppourrico.

And, yes, the reason why I'm so lucky that today I can share these with you as well, it's because I got them for myself too.
They were simply too beautiful to let go.

I actually did take some - weird- photos wearing them when they arrived (they are in my 'collection' highlights), but I genuinely *needed* to share them here properly.

I wasn't into the Disney-ears-thing (I just own one pair) until I came across this small shop.
But their artistry, their creativity, their professionalism, blew my mind.

And not just this Thrawn-inspired masterpiece, but also Anakin, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan ears, and all the others they have and had in their Etsy shop, are unique and perfectly realized.

And, I know already, I will end up buying more.



"I thought David Bowie was exceptionally clever to not bring a truly evil and angry and fiendish tone to his role as the villain. He was so deft at being devilish more than evil, dangerous maybe, but not a character fraught only with ill-will."
— Jim Henson on Bowie's portrayal of Jareth.

Although I'm generally not part of the #teambadguys, but boringly and predictably cheering for the #goodguys, there are a few exceptions to the list.

Jareth is, definitely, one of them.

Maybe immature and capricious, he is more wicked than evil.

Extremely captivating, hypnotic, sexual, he is impossible to ignore.
It's that kind of me-me-me guy (or girl) that you really don't *need*, but, nevertheless, you fall for at one point in your life.

In the specific case of Jareth, though, I ultimately don't know if I am more attracted because of the character himself, or because he is *David Bowie*.
It's impossible to separate the two in my mind. And David would be magnetic and glamorous even while peeling potatoes in my grandpa's sweater and crocs.

Are you normally fascinated by the bad guys (or girls), or do their twisted intentions dampen out your interest?

[In the photo, the super cute chibi Jareth by @littleshopofpins]


That's the post

I feel very Chopper today.
That's it. That's the post.
[I know. Be shocked that I'm not writing the usual essay. Surely tomorrow]

[In the photo: Chopper Black Series and @raewardstudios super cute keychain "Spare-Leg"]


Rey Skywalker

This beautiful chibi pin by @maxxmerch gives me an excuse to celebrate the awesomeness of Rey Skywalker.
[I will leave to another post the rant about how crazy is that THAT hashtag is considered controversial]
[This time, hopefully, I managed to show better the tiny glitter on the lightsaber]

I was absolutely captivated by Rey since the first time we see her on Jakku.
She grew up almost all her life alone, abandoned to strangers when still in need of love and comfort.

But she is not bitter, angry with the world that gave her so few.
(And she could).
Not resentful.
(And she had the right to be).

Somehow, she is serene, finding a balance in her humble and lonely daily routine.
She can dream, outside her AT-AT, of battles and glory, just wearing a used helmet while warmed by the sunset.

She doesn't need much.
She waits, patiently. With hope.
She sees the best in everyone: Finn, Han, Luke, even Kylo.
She is compassionate, attentive, optimistic.

And, suddenly, when the Force is simply too loud to ignore, when she feels that her existence has a greater purpose, that she needs to jump out from her comfort zone, she is vulnerable and doubtful and lost, but, nevertheless, embraces her role and her path and her heritage.

I always believed that family is more than the group of people that we happened to be born into.
'Family' is home. 'Family' is love.
Without love, the group of strangers that have your last name or share the same genes are not, necessarily, 'family'.
Rey's choice is absolutely logical since the Skywalkers (and Solos) are the people that mentored and loved her.
They ARE her family.
Her heritage.

As kids, we had a naive farmer boy grown with caring and attentive adoptive parents, but, somehow, still whining about life.
And we loved him.

How not feel inspired by Rey?


Space jewelry

A year ago, before I could suspect that the end of the world was near (or, at least, that something so unthinkable as the closure of the Disney Parks could actually happen), I planned to go to Galaxy Edge.
I wanted to be there for 3 (unforgettable) days, completely 'in character', with diverse outfits and accessories, so that everything could be considered 'in-universe', in a way.

For hours and hours, I searched pants, leather jackets, shirts, shoes, earrings, goggles, hairpins, rings, bracelets,... so that I could have many options, all believably from a galaxy far far away.

With the luggage full of options and possibilities, I was ready for hyperspace.
The park closed on March 14.
I was supposed to be there from March 17.

So, as I said in other posts, I started to wear all this at home, while working remotely.
And I regret nothing.

[I do instead regret the too-me-not-enough-geek-stuff post, but I wear these accessories today, and I wanted to share the story behind them, and hours of Amazon browsing. It has been exactly one year that I bought these earrings. They remind me of something that Leia could wear, and, the necklace, I felt it's more like Holdo's style]


Good times for the collector

I need to celebrate with you today because after like FOREVER this Ahsoka Tano figure is finally in my hands.

When it dropped for pre-order, many months ago, I was ready, with the alarm clock and Walmart page refreshed and pretty in front of me.
But people in this fandom have true skills when it is a matter of selling out collectibles.

I tried to wait, patiently, checking resellers and Co., but it was simply not available or insanely expensive.

Recently, people started to find retail stocks in stores or something, so the insanely expensive price lowered to still-crazy-but-less-than-a-kidney one.

The point, as often happens when you are a collector, is deciding if it is worthy to buy a 20 dollars figure for 40. In my personal vision, particularly, if I want to contribute to enrich not actual fans, but people that speculate on my "collector gene".

It kind of pisses me off that I need to wait 6 months to buy a 13 dollars loth cat plush at Target *actually* paying 13 dollars, just because some people raid the stores every two days for selling it at 25 on eBay.

February is my birthday month, and every year, I indulge in buying even more stuff than usual, just because, you know, "come on, it's my birthday".

So, there.
Shrugging away the doubts, I ultimately convinced myself that I *really* needed this version in my collection.

And it's objectively a beautiful beautiful figure.

(I swear, I'm not trying to sell you the weak motivation here).


Read my soul

Changing fandom tonight, because I need to share @theweepingfig ART.

I landed on her page some time ago, and her work really enchanted me.

I never asked for custom jewelry before, but now I cannot think of a better decision ever.
I couldn't truly give her particular directions, to be honest, because all her pieces are gorgeous. So I mumbled something like Slytherin yadda-yadda and snake blabla.

And she basically *read my soul* and created this.

I just hope that you can see, between the filters, how insanely perfect and detailed this pendant is.
The paper is cut even in the petals of the flowers or the leaves.
I don't even know how is humanly possible to make such small cuts.

It's just too beautiful for words.
And it's SO ME.


Simple pleasure

The action figures photos that I see in this community are so real and so perfect that the characters seem, every time, willing to share with us new stories and new adventures, untold before.
There is so much talent around.

There are, however, some action figures that I own (not too many, to be honest) that are really so detailed and accurate and give me so much joy in observing them, that I cannot help but post them here.

This is one of them.

Yesterday, while preparing an assignment, I stopped and observed this Cad Bane figure for a good 10 minutes. Yes, probably a way to procrastinate. But also I was genuinely bewitched by it.
I waited many months to finally adding it to my collection, and it was absolutely worth it.

As I expressed in another post, it is difficult to communicate to the 'normal people' (aka not hopeless nerds like I am the pleasure to own an action figure.

It's like a painting, in a way.
You not 'do' anything with a beautiful image framed in your living room, so, yeah, I don't 'play' with my 'toy' either. But I observe it. I am lost in it.
It has an attitude, a personality.
And, like the painting, this transports me, tells me a story.
Ultimately, I *enjoy* it.

I'm not very sure if this makes any, sense, but as usual, I wanted to share.