Especially after witnessing rude and intolerant behaviors by some fringes of this fandom, I am always astounded by the kindness, the attention, the openness of the people that comment on my Instagram account.
It is a kind of magic, really.
And maybe, just maybe, the link, the hidden connection in the algorithm is Ahsoka herself.
I read their love for her passion, her strength, her loyalty.
Empathy, courage, patience.
And I am immediately touched (also because, full disclosure, I cry very very easily for fandom-related stuff).
Ahsoka taught us compassion, resilience, independence.
Kid and grown-up kids, all of us, we are inspired by her every day.
"What would Ahsoka do?"
We related because she is not perfect.
We relate because she is always trying.
We related because there is always redemption, tolerance.
From the first moment we saw her walking down from the clones' ship, young and inexperienced, to the wise not Jedi warrior portrayed in The Mandalorian, we followed her journey as it was, a little, ours too.
And I feel so fortunate that every one of them is sharing their feelings and their personal vision of her with my little social space.

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