In 1999, Episode I was released, and a large part of my generation, the fans "who saw Star Wars in the theaters" -as it was the ultimate seal of fandom genuineness-, hated it.
It was "not Star Wars".
"Lucas ruined everything" (!!!).
"Anakin is horrible, Midi-chlorians are horrible, Hayden is horrible, Jar Jar is horrible, the sand is horrible."
They hated Attack of the Clones and badly disliked Revenge of the Sith too.
Believe me, I cacophonically heard them for years. It doesn't matter what they claim today.
They were the fandom menace.
But the kids? Oh, the kids, they loved it.
*You* loved it.
You, who when I ask "favorite SW movie ever" reply in an instant "Episode III."
So, while this war unfolds day after day, while, for arcane reasons, it seems impossible to love something without at the same time bashing something else (!!!) - "I love The Mandalorian: it is so much better than the sequels" - or opening a High Republic YouTube video without dodging your insulting comments, my generation (X) stands here, popcorns in our hands.
Watching history repeating.
And here, the spoiler.
It will come a time in which you will be the people with the popcorns.
And the kids of today, 30 years old and counting, will be claiming that their wonderful childhood heroes, Rey, Ben, Poe, Finn, Rose, Jannah, BB8, have nothing to share with the pale imitations that will be next.
ME? I will just be grateful that I had "Star Wars" all my life.

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