On Monday, I wrote about another partnership. Perhaps unromantic (perhaps not), but equally intense and valid.
But, the thing is, not all loves are safe and balanced.
Some are conflictual, complicated.
Even toxic.
Also without a physical assault, relationships may overpower us, distance us from ourselves, make us feel defenseless and paralyzed.
The power that we give when we love someone is often immense.
How that power is used might be dangerous.
Nevertheless, some of these complex relationships intrigue and attract us magnetically. As the angst we feel would be directly proportional to the passion (and, believe me, it is not).
Still, here I am, sharing with you this necklace that I own and cherish, the symbol, the quintessence of a terrifying yet fascinating relationship.
Ah! Humans!
[If you are not into the Harry Potter fandom, the pendant in the photo is a @thenoblecollection replica of the one which, in canon, contains the sealed blood of Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald after they made a blood pact in the summer of 1899]

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