Until now.
“Senior Cadet Ziara” Colonel Wevary intoned in the voice he saved for the most heinous of offenders against Taharim’s traditions, “a cadet under your tutelage has been accused of cheating. Have you anything to say in your or his defense?”
*Under your tutelage*. All Ziara had done was to proctor the damn simulation exercise Cadet Thrawn had been taking. []
Ziara shifted her attention to the accused. Thrawn was sitting stiffly in his chair, his face a rigid mask. He’d already pled not guilty to the charges, insisting that he hadn’t cheated but merely taken advantage of the parameters the exercise had set up for him. []
Ziara studied Thrawn’s face. He’d explained his tactics to the board at least twice, and they still didn’t believe him. Now, with nothing left for him
to say, he’d taken refuge in silence. Ziara might have expected to find defiance or anger there, but she could see neither. He stood alone, without even his family to support him. []
“If I may beg the board’s indulgence, I would like to take the luncheon break to again consider the situation and the evidence.” []
“I appreciate your efforts,” Thrawn said quietly, his eyes still on the colonel’s empty place at the table. “But you can see they’ve already made up their minds. Your action does nothing but risk their displeasure, and possibly alienate you from your family.” []
“I’m going to get something to eat. You should do the same”
“I’m not hungry”
“Eat something anyway” Ziara hesitated, but it was too good a chance to pass up. “That way, if they kick you out, you’ll at least have had one more free meal”
He looked at her, and for a moment she thought he was going to lash out at her insensitivity. Then, to her relief, he smiled. “Indeed,” he said.
“You have an eminently tactical mind, Senior Cadet.”»
[The characters counter is brutal. So I can just add that I feel like I own a piece of Notre Dame by the wonderful @ghazar_glass]

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