"For a woman sworn to non-violence, you don't seem troubled that I could have been killed back there."
"But you weren't. And yet I still haven't heard any thanks."
"Well, you certainly haven't changed much."
"How ironic to meet again only to find we're on opposing sides."
"The needs of your people are all that matter. They couldn't be in better hands with you to guide their future."
"Kind words indeed from a mindful and committed Jedi. And yet..."
"I'm still not sure about the beard."
"Why? What's wrong with it?"
"It hides too much of your handsome face."
"I just heard what happened in the Senate."
"You're sweet to be concerned. But I promise I'll be all right."
"I am concerned. We're friends, are we not?"
"Yes, friends and nothing more."
Intelligent. Observant.
Witty. Funny. Sarcastic.
Divinely elegant.
A skilled fighter.
A political visionary.
A leader.
Satine embodies the spirit of the perfect fiercely independent woman.
Her beliefs, her coherence.
They define her.
She knows who she is.
She knows what has to be done.
She is not afraid to sacrifice.
She never loses herself.
Not even for the sake of her own happiness.
Or the one of the love of her life.
So you can clearly understand why I will never, EVER, forgive the SW writers for killing her.
Not for her own story, for her own choice, for compassion in a heroic act, for her people, or for the greater good.
But just like another girlfriend to pile with the rest of the Women in Refrigerators.*
*The term "Women in Refrigerators" was coined by writer Gail Simone, and refers to the trope whereby female characters are affected by injury, raped, killed, or depowered (an event colloquially known as "fridging"), to stimulate protective traits, and as a plot device intended to move a male character's story arc forward.
[Yes, yes. No double photos.
But, see, I really wanted the symmetry here.
Obi-Wan's side, and Satine's side.
Violating -again- my constructed rule, but -again- with intention.
In both photos: a hypnotic beautiful Obitine pin by @kulturegirlflair]

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