We are rebels, fighting for the people, fighting for you.
I'm not that old, but I remember a time when things were better on Lothal. Maybe not great, but never like this. See what the Empire has done to your lives, your families, and your freedom?
It's only gonna get worse… unless we stand up and fight back.
It won't be easy. There will be loss and sacrifice. But we can't back down just because we're afraid.
That's when we need to stand the tallest.
That's what my parents taught me.
That's what my new family helped me remember.
Stand up together.
Because that's when we're strongest—as one."
"What chance do we have? The question is ‘What choice?’
Run? Hide? Plead for mercy? Scatter your forces?
You give way to an enemy this evil with this much power and you condemn the galaxy to an eternity of submission.
The time to fight is now!"
"It matters which side we choose. Even if there will never be more light than darkness. Even if there can be no more joy in the galaxy than there is pain. For every action we undertake, for every word we speak, for every life we touch—it matters".
"Focus on what you can do, instead of what you can't".
"It's the action, not the fruit of the action, that's important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there'll be any fruit. But that doesn't mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action.
But if you do nothing, there will be no result."
[Ok, I am cheating here. This last quote is Gandhi, not Qui-Gon, but come on, it could totally be ;)]
The power of the choice.
Every day.
What we can do, what we can change.
To rebel, if necessary.
Being called names. Being bullied.
Still fighting for what we believe in.
[This will be a week of posts about freedom, responsibility, and choices.
Bear with me.]
[Photo: The young Jyn Erso Funko Pop, Jyn's jacket, and vest by Fjackets, and the perfect replica of Jyn's kyber crystal necklace by SoulinertiaDesigns on Etsy]

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