“A moment, sir,” Hammerly said, peering closely at her displays. “I think we’ve almost—got it, sir. Bearing—”
“I see it,” Thrawn said. “Lieutenant Pyrondi, on my mark fire a full ion salvo at Commander Hammerly’s location. The moment the salvo is away, Lieutenant Agral, you will swing the Chimaera around toward the approaching ship, dropping the bow as we turn to present our dorsal surface to them.”
Faro smiled. She saw where he was going now.
“At that moment, Commodore,” Thrawn continued, “you will launch the Defenders and two squadrons of TIE fighters in a Marg Sabl maneuver. As they reach their outward apsis and begin to close on the enemy, Lieutenant Pyrondi, you will deliver full salvos of turbolaser fire to their ship.”
He looked at Ronan, a small smile on his lips. “Let us see how well they can stand against an Imperial Star Destroyer.”
Of the eight to ten words Admiral Ar’alani spat out, Eli only knew three.
The gist, however, was pretty clear.
Two weeks’ worth of work and tens of thousands of light-years’ worth of travel, all of it down the drain.
She turned to Eli, her eyes seeming to glow extra hot, and he braced himself for the coming blast. But she merely held the glare a fraction of a second and then turned to the command console. “Full activation,” she ordered. “All systems. I want weapons up in fifteen seconds.”
I already ranted on how completely different the Chimaera environment is from the entire Imperial Navy.
And, if the fundamental reason is Thrawn's mentoring style, it is also true that everyone on that bridge is absolutely terrific.
Agral (he), the helmsman, Hammerly (she), at the sensors, Pyrodi (she), in charge of weapons, Faro (she), the XO, and Lomar (he), the communication officer.
They are outspoken, witty, fun, and totally rocking at their jobs.
Bonus here, a *very* mad swearing A'ralani, and wanted-to-be-invisible Eli.
[Photo: I did not originally commission this art by @lucenorthstar, but it was so perfect that decided to give my small contribution for the print. The spitz that they are drinking is an Italian aperitivo, a sacred ritual that I miss very much, and that I am certain they share on a regular basis]

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