Back in his cadet days, he’d been thrown together with Thrawn completely against his will, and for a long time he’d resented the disruption in his life. Gradually that attitude had changed, largely keeping pace with how his view of Thrawn had changed from obstruction to interesting anomaly to the best thing that could have happened to Eli’s own career.
Before Thrawn offered this abrupt change in the course of Eli’s life, Eli had dared to see his commander as almost a friend.
What he didn’t know—what he’d never known—was how Thrawn saw him.
Did Thrawn have friends? Eli or anyone else? Had he had friends when he was growing up in the Chiss Ascendancy, or had he always been different, the oddness of his mind leaving his young peers bewildered or resentful?
It wasn’t just a general Chiss quality. Admiral Ar’alani was an excellent commander, and smart enough in her own way, but there was a spark that Thrawn had that she didn’t. She didn’t have the same knack for observing and analyzing the universe around her, nor did any of the others Eli had met aboard the Steadfast.
How unique was Thrawn?
It wasn’t something Eli needed to know. It wasn’t something he deserved to know. But it was something he very much wanted to know.
Though he probably never would."
Some memories are better left unsaid.
Feelings too powerful.
So real and emotional, being able to touch souls from different continents and backgrounds.
Nevertheless, I would do everyone wrong if I wouldn't state here how much thankful I am to you all for, once again, being with me all along the way.
I am a very, *VERY* fortunate human.
[And Mr. and Mrs. Zahn are gems of this world]
[Photo: minds influencing each other and sharing —although @kotoroa is the brilliant one. And the perfect execution by @caitlynminimalist. Stunning aurebesh earrings.]

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