Thrawn had given his oath of loyalty to the Empire.
But that loyalty had never been fully tested.
A Dark Lord of the Sith never gasped in surprise. But if Vader had been anything else, he would have. Certainly The Jedi would have reacted as he was jammed back into his seat. Only in Vader’s prototype TIE Advanced x1 had he ever felt such power in a fighter before, or the incredible balance between speed and nimbleness. A laser burst blazed straight at him—
It sizzled into nothingness, its only effect being a brief wave of luminosity flickering around the edge of the Defender’s shield.
And with that, Vader knew they had won.
“And now, Lord Vader, you may prepare for your attack. The enemy believe themselves superior to Imperial forces. Let us prove them wrong.”
“We shall,” Vader promised. “Defender Squadron: Form up on me.”
And so the children were safe. Force-sensitive Chiss children, alive and well.
Mentally, Vader shook his head. [] He realized now that he had nothing to fear. Thrawn’s loyalties would always be split between the Empire and his own people, a fact the Emperor undoubtedly knew.
I wanted to do a mini-series about the TIE Defenders for months.
[Interesting name choice, don't you think?]
Mostly because many people see Thrawn's strong investment in the project as the ultimate sign of his "villainy" or his "controversial" ethical stand.
[Kriffing inheritance from the "Rebels" character misreading]
On this random afternoon, I ask you.
If you knew that a weapon of *planet* destruction was being built —turning indiscriminately into dust soldiers and kids, rebels and farmers — wouldn't you feel *pretty* strong about pushing a course of action able to surgically hit the war opponent, with a minimum loss of life?
And it is not even Thursday.

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