Chirrut Îmwe dropped his chin against his chest and smiled, but said nothing. Silvanie Phest’s voice was a comfort to him, a reminder of better days. [] Then the Empire came to Jedha. [] The Disciples of the Whills who had worshipped so diligently for so long had been cast out, and the Guardians who had watched over them with the same vigilance alongside them. Now, as far as Chirrut knew, all that remained of those who had tended the Temple of the Kyber in NiJedha—in the Holy City—were a paltry handful of Disciples of whom Silvanie Phest was one, and two Guardians of the Whills with nothing left to guard and who were too stubborn to abandon their home.
Or, if you were to listen to Baze Malbus tell it, one blind Guardian and his long-suffering friend. []
“No,” Baze said.
The word was, in so many ways, the perfect embodiment of who Baze Malbus had become, as blunt and as hard as the man himself. No was the word that seemed to define Baze Malbus these days, all the more so since the Imperial occupation had begun. No, and in that word Baze Malbus was saying many things; no, he would not accept this, whatever this might be, from Imperial rule to the existence of a Jedi in the Holy City to the suffering the Empire had inflicted upon all those around them. No, ultimately—and to Chirrut’s profound sadness—to a faith in the Force.
“Please, Guardians—”
“Guardian,” Baze said. “One. Him.”
Chirrut’s smile turned to a grin as he felt Baze jerk a thumb in his direction. []
Chirrut rose all at once, tilting the contents of the alms bowl into one palm, then tucking the bowl itself away within his robes with the other. He reached out, found Silvanie’s six-fingered hand with a touch, turned his palm to empty what money he had gathered into hers.
“For food and water,” he said. He reached back for his walking stick. “We will come.”
“I won’t,” Baze lied.
Chirrut grinned.
Chirrut Îmwe and Baze Malbus.
Companions, partners, friends.
Utterly adorable in their endearing skirmishes.
Complementary, interconnected.
Yin and yang, perfect balance.
Bound together as an indivisible whole.

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