Particularly with the company.
She was watching him as he admired the starship. Hera had hidden it well, constantly looking away or fiddling with some part—but Kanan was well trained in knowing when female eyes were on him. Things had changed there, too. Hera had been mildly curious about him before, but the events on Forager had definitely influenced her attitude toward him. That, or he had somehow gotten a lot more attractive.
Either reason was fine. Any excuse to be in her company was a good one, as long as she didn’t push the matter. Hera knew one little thing about his past now, which was one more than he knew about hers. He hoped she’d figure out it had no bearing on who he was. If delivering pinpricks to the Empire was what gave her a thrill, he could certainly help her without getting into all that. []
He’d sought answers in dangerous jobs and travel, in cantinas and carousing. Hera was a new and very different answer: as good a way to spend his time as any.
The people who had taught Kanan as a child had left him with a handful of skills and some parting advice. Nothing more. That had been their total legacy. Heeding their instructions was all he owed them. He would continue to avoid Coruscant, to avoid detection. He didn’t understand what he needed to “stay strong” for, but he’d continue to defend himself against anyone who challenged him.
And the Force? Well, it might be with him, or it might not. Kanan would get by, either way. He always had.
He slapped the underside of the Ghost and winked as he made for the ramp.
“Let’s go somewhere.”
The time to speak about them.
About him.
Unapologetically bold, unbelievably blunt.
Still, more handsome than he has any right to be.
[Yes, this is my favorite sentence about him, and I'll keep using it]
[Photo: this custom Funko pop by @kb_graves is mind-blowing. The details are perfect. I might have teared up a little when I opened the box]

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