Backing up one another.
Canon and Legends.
And she swears in Cheunh like no other.
[Canon and Legends]
“So those spy accusations [] were nothing but smoke? Something to cover you in case the whole thing fell apart?”
“It was protection, yes, but not for me,” Thrawn said. [] “It was to protect Admiral Ar’alani, the officer commanding the transport that arrived an hour ago to take the freed Geroon slaves back to their world.”
“And who couldn’t afford to be even unofficially involved in any of this,” Stratis said, nodding. “But who could make sure to look the other way at all the right times [].”
“I was manipulated and controlled,” Thrass said. []
“For your own protection,” Car’das countered. “If Thrawn and Ar’alani had brought you into the plan, your future would have been just as much on the line as theirs were.”
“And as they are now,” Thrass pointed out darkly.
“He can’t do that,” Thrass protested. He looked at Ar’alani. “Can he?”
“Not legally,” Ar’alani said, her voice tight. “But as a practical matter, if he’s brought enough vessels, there’ll be no way for us to stop him. [] We’ll have to stall him.” []
“Too late,” Car'das said. “He’s here.”
Ar’alani muttered a word that had never come up in Car’das’s language lessons.
Car’das took a deep breath. “I’m not under Chiss command, Admiral,” he said. “I’d like to stay aboard awhile longer.”
Ar’alani’s eyes narrowed. [] Ar’alani looked at Thrawn, then at the incoming Fifth Family ships, then finally back at Car’das. “Permission granted.” []
“I’ll also stay,” Thrass said.
Ar’alani stopped in midstep. “What?” []
Ar’alani sent a hard look at Thrawn. “We’ll both be destroyed by this,” she warned.
“The role of a warrior is to protect the Chiss people,” Thrawn reminded her. “The warrior’s own survival is of only secondary importance.”
For half a dozen heartbeats the two of them locked gazes. Then, with a hissing sigh, Ar’alani turned to Thrass. “Pesfavri is the nearest Defense Fleet base,” she said. “You know the coordinates?”
Thrass nodded. “Yes.”
“Then we leave you,” she said, nodding to him. “May warriors’ fortune smile on your efforts.”
[Photo: wonderful custom Funko Pops by @poppourrico. Glass masterpiece by @ghazar_glass. Thank you again for this beautiful gift.]

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