She turned. Thrawn was coming up behind her with a steaming non-spill mug. “Senior Captain,” she said, nodding wearily at him. “I thought you were off duty.”
“I am,” Thrawn said, handing her the mug. “As are you and Sky-walker Che’ri. How is she doing?”
“As far as I can tell, she’s fine,” Thalias said, savoring the aroma before taking a sip. Not too hot, and extra strong. Exactly what she needed right now. [.]
“All right,” she said. “I’ll stay here and watch her until she needs to sleep.”
“Or until you need to sleep,” Thrawn said. “I can have someone else watch her.”
Thalias squared her shoulders. “I’ll stay here,” she repeated firmly, “until she needs to sleep.”
“Understood,” Thrawn said, and Thalias could hear the quiet approval in his tone. “Carry on, Caregiver.”
And, yes.
Thrawn is the kind of darling that brings you caccoleaf when you need it.
Even if he is off duty.
And, yes.
In my headcanon, he actually prefers hot tealeaf, mostly.
Not tannic, scented, partially oxidized.
Loving rich aromas, with nuts tones, and absolutely free from even the smallest trace of a bitter flavor.
And, when offered caf, maybe cheap and excessively brewed for surviving long sessions with dull Imperials, he adds an immoderate quantity of sugar and some milk.
Which always makes Eli smile.
In his years in the Empire, Vanto even tried to smuggle for him some high-quality galara tealeaf.
Closing his eyes, inhaling the familiar fragrance.
And he is home.
Che'ri lively describing to him her last blue butterfly drawing.
Ar'alani calmly entering in his office while sarcastically retorting to Wutroow.
Samakro snorting, standing close to him, gruff as he was scripted.
And, yes.
Eli would navigate the Unknown Regions alone and without a compass just for the joy of observing that exact Thrawn's expression.
[Photo: no-spill mug with my "ISD Chimaera - Bridge Crew" design. On Teepublic. Note that the actual color is a little more bluish compared to the photo]

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