“Mmhmm,” Ziara murmured absentmindedly in answer to the question from her lap, frowning at the military history text on her questis.
“You’re not listening, are you.”
Thrawn’s voice was tinged with amusement, and Ziara put her questis aside with a twinge of guilt. She had been listening, but something he’d said had tickled a memory in the back of her mind and she’d sort of… forgotten to put the text down again afterward.
“Sorry,” she said, resuming stroking her fingers through Thrawn’s short, almost silky hair. “Nervous about the exit exam tomorrow.”
Thrawn hummed, closing his eyes and re-settling his head slightly, but he didn’t offer any empty platitudes or reassurance. One of the things Ziara liked about him.
They sat in comfortable silence for a time, the unspoken knowledge hanging quietly but heavily in the air that once Ziara graduated from Taharim, this aspect of their friendship, at least, this casual intimacy, would be lost. She couldn’t quite work out whether Thrawn was bothered by that or not. He certainly enjoyed her company, and as far as she could tell, the younger cadet didn’t really… have any other friends at the Academy, aside from her. He had a brother he was close to, though, of course, Ziara had never met him, but that was all. Other cadets and senior cadets seemed to think he was either an idiot— which he wasn’t— or playing some deep, political game— which he definitely wasn’t.
What the others couldn’t see was that while Thrawn was extremely intelligent, he was also just… refreshingly uncomplicated. Ziara was going to miss him for that more than anything else. He didn’t always make sense, but he didn’t play mind games or political games or any kind of games, and to Ziara, that was worth a hell of a lot.
The truth was, she trusted Thrawn. Even when she didn’t understand him. She trusted him enough to let her guard down around him without worrying that knowledge of her weaknesses and even fears would ever be used against her.
A rare thing, for Ruling Family blood members.
[From "A rare thing" by chaos_monkey.
Note: the full story implies a casual intimate relationship during the Taharim years]
Even if not canon, I think this excerpt expresses beautifully how Ar'alani feels about Thrawn.
Even if he is a pain-in-the-ass more than sometimes, and jeopardizes her career every other day, he is indeed "refreshingly uncomplicated."
Sure, she was his CO for the majority of their adult lives, so he deeply treasures her approval and her command.
Nevertheless, he is not intimidated, less blunt, or direct.
Funny, witty, easy to be around.
Knowing Wutroow, well.
She definitely has a pattern.
[Photo: art by Lipstick And Lightsabers on Teepublic]

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