Yeah, you're right.
So why, you ask, did I bother you with *this*, all June?
Why did I stubbornly insist on overly sweet gay family fluff?
Why is so important for me to share these stories, to proclaim this intimacy, to paint this affection between characters who, I hope we established in my last post, are not authoritatively gay.
Why simply talking about Vi and Amilyn and Eleodie is not enough for making my point? Why the urge to exploit established characters that we are extremely familiar with? That YOU are extremely familiar with?
Because I wanted, no, I *needed* to show that these characters that mean so much to us, that we take inspiration from, identify with even, who are witty, and brilliant, and caring, and wonderful remain *unchanged*.
As two dads. As two husbands. As lovers.
I wanted for you to live the connection because you already know them, respect them, feel them. And while I color them in love, and raising their kid, you *sense* that they are the same.
Having the *right* to be and to love and to be happy.
A small fictional alien family that is EXACTLY like yours.
Imperfect, messy, and sweet.
Molded with kindness and Corellian Ryshcate, selflessness and joy, sick days and broken hearts. Kisses, markers, coffee, and a little sleep.
And there is no State, no Governor, no God that can negate it.
[Photo: I will never stop to be grateful to @lucenorthstar for creating this piece for me. I am a saccharine addicted as for fanart and fanfictions and this was everything I wanted, really. The Corellian Ryshcate is a type of pastry that was traditionally served at celebrations and commonly eaten by Corellians who had left the planet. The pastries are made with Corellian whiskey and nuts in layers of pastry]

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