This student was human, a tall, gangly girl with a narrow face and long nose. Her hair was acid green, which meant that either she was from Iloh or she really liked standing out. While the others mostly wore white gear with silver or orange reflective stripes, this girl wore a rainbow of bright colors that clashed so painfully Leia had to fight the urge to squint. Her goggles were already strapped on, and they were of antique make, with pink lenses that curved out from the frames to an almost ridiculous degree. []
“Hi,” Leia began. “I’m Leia Organa.”
“Of Alderaan,” the girl said in a curiously even tone []. Her thinness and gawkiness reminded Leia of a marsh crane.
“Um, yeah. And you are—”
“Amilyn Holdo of Gatalenta.”
“Can it be morally right to feel happy when there’s so much injustice all around us?”
“Of course. Happiness is our moral imperative.”
“That sounds [] like— like hedonism.”
“Not at all.” [] Amilyn said, “Great evil can only be fought by the strong. People need spiritual fuel as much as they need food, water, and air. Happiness, love, joy, hope—these are the emotions that give us the strength to do what we need to do.”
That wasn’t just the incense; that was genuine and true. Leia flopped back down on the bouncy floor, really relaxing in Amilyn’s company for the first time. “I guess all that meditation pays off for you guys.”
“Yes. Well, that, and it’s pretty obvious you like Kier. You might as well use that energy, you know?”
Leia opened her mouth to protest, but what was the point? “It’s like— like everything else is this raging storm, and he’s… the only safe place. The only one who lets me just be myself.”
“Beware words like ‘only,’” Amilyn said, wagging one long finger, but she was smiling. “Don’t let your head be turned by the most dangerous substance known to exist.”
“Which is?”
“A pair of pretty dark eyes.” Then Amilyn thought about that for a moment. “Or more than a pair, if you’re into Grans. Or Aqualish, or Talz. Or even—”
“That’s all right” Leia said through laughter. “It’s just humanoid males for me.”
“Really? That feels so limiting.”
Honest. Fearless. Strong.
And so adorably unique.
[Photo: stunning art print by @vyllaart]

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