Syl took one look at Jordanna’s dark eyes and long dark curls and had the feeling of falling from a great height. When the other girl smiled, Syl swore her heart exploded.
The holos were always talking about love at first reckoning, usually romances that ended in tragedy, so Syl should’ve known better than to follow her heart when she got walloped by Jordanna’s appearance in Roy’s shop. But she couldn’t help herself, and the next few weeks became days full of stolen kisses and nights of staying up late and watching the auroras paint Tiikae’s sky in radiation-flecked rainbows.
“Hey, are you all right?” Jordanna said. She’d ended up in the copilot’s chair, although Syl wasn’t quite sure how. She reckoned it had something to do with the whispering coming from the back of the ship.
“Yes, I’m going to be fine. We’re going to be fine,” Syl said. And then she leaned over, grabbing the front of Jordanna’s shirt and pulling her forward until their lips touched. She didn’t know what had happened in the hangar bay, but she knew she loved Jordanna.
Surely they could figure it out.
“Hey! Can we save the kissing for after we’re safe?” Reath called. “We aren’t rescued yet.”
Syl let go of Jordanna with a smile that was reflected on her girlfriend’s face, and finished powering up the shuttle with no issues.
And it's Pride Month.
Things, still changing.
Maybe, just maybe, for the better.
[I believe so. Even on this bad day for the SW community]
New stories told.
Loves, and feelings.
Friendships, bonds, understandings.
Fandoms that are freer and freer of reflecting themselves in characters and relationships.
Instants, in this geek year, when tears fell from my face.
Of happiness, you know?
Witnessing a "diversity" that blends, and transforms into... "normalcy."
As it should be.
Beyond the gender, the labels, the artificial constructions.
Read, write, draw, experience just people.
Unique and beautiful.

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