

More 'in character' photos in the near future, but I want to celebrate also here (I posted a very excited story on IG the other day, but it's not merely enough), the arrival of this absolutely ***stunning*** Cad Bane action figure.

I am looking for this since the preview pictures started to pop up in the collectors' accounts. Sold out almost immediately, I managed to snag it ultimately at the beginning of October (!) through Old Republic Collectibles, which kept me informed all the way until last week when my grabby hands finally could hold this beauty.

Out of the box finally today, he joined my 'smugglers and bounty hunters shelf, with Zorii Bliss, and Han Solo.
(And a cute Aurra Sing keychain that I will feature soon).

They are EPIC.
[Now, I just miss my adorable Hondo].

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