Although not a TOS fan (but my grandma#2 was, so I saw all the episodes anyway), I started to be into it during high school, with glorious TNG reruns, becoming kind of crazy about it during the university years.
(You cannot be an engineering major and not falling for Star Trek, right?).
My real-life friends who were not 'downloaded' from the Buffy fandom (see some posts ago), were from the ST one.
Among our "starship" members (a.k.a. our group of friends) we celebrated marriages and births. Back in the day, we collaboratively wrote a detailed Starfleet academy student handbook (!), and 52 pages of ST stellar cartography (waaaaay before the actual book was published).
Busy times.
Personally, I am a VOY-TNG, Picard- and Janeway-obsessed trekkER.
(Not a trekkie. "Trekkers are the ones that are walking among us").
But I'm not for divided fan communities, so I am not going around trying to erase DS9 or Enterprise fans. (Ok. This is possibly a tiny cross-fandom polemic comment).
Despite this nerdy ST background, I jumped on the Discovery wagon pretty late.
A month ago, to be exact.
Too many friends were cacophonically screaming at me suggesting to watch the third season.
So, thanks to them. I binge-watched it all.
And, yes, the fact that I'm wearing a "Disco" t-shirt here can hint that I very liked it.
So today I'm celebrating, patiently waiting for the evening.

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