I never truly understood why Lucas re-thought the whole 'shooting first' thing.
Don't get me wrong, from my point of view, Han is his character, and he can change whatever he wants.
We are just very lucky to play in his sandbox here.
That said, I always thought that not shooting first wouldn't change substantially the opinion we have about Han.
It wouldn't suddenly redeem him, or making him a good person.
Han has a big heart, true, but he is nothing less than a liar, and a cheater, and a brat.
And we looooove all his deceptions, and his cockiness, and his ill-concealed overconfidence.
Because we honestly adore novelized pirates and smugglers.
Not someone that we would see in any way differently, even if he had indeed just replied to that Greedo's shot.
By the way.
I'm old enough that, for me, Han did not shoot first.
He was actually the only one who did.
#hanshotfirst #actuallygreedodidnot #butwearestillfriendsaboutthis

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