The Jedi Order [...] was a way of life, based on the Jedi Code—and a lot of rules for living that weren’t in the Code, that had been tacked on later.
One was that Jedi avoided becoming involved in romantic relationships. Once on the run, Kanan Jarrus had found that rule pretty easy to forget about.
It might have been ironic, if Kanan bothered to think much about such things. The Jedi had always preached against forming connections, to prevent their acolytes from putting too much value in any one relationship. In so doing, they had unwittingly trained their students to be the perfect fugitives, able to cut and run at any moment. As long as they didn’t stop to care, they could go on indefinitely.
The young man now known as Kanan Jarrus discovered that carousing eliminated those worries entirely. So he’d done more of the same. He’d drunk to forget. He’d brawled to let off steam. He’d taken the dangerous jobs to fund his lifestyle – and then began it all again. He wasn’t some chivalrous nomad, skulking from planet to planet doing good deeds and leaving when things got too hot. No, he left when things got dull. When the drinking money ran out, or when the bar-owner’s daughter suddenly wanted to marry him. Kanan didn’t leave because the Empire moved in: He’d stared down Imperials like Vidian before and lived. They knew he was something to ignore.
No, he left because where the Empire went, fun usually died.
Clearly, Hera was politically aware; he knew the sort, having wooed a university woman or ten on more upscale worlds. But those women had all aggressively tried to get him to care about their causes of the week. Hera was letting him be, at least for the moment.
Small peeks on the life of Kanan Jarrus.
Lost and unhinged.
Drunk, flirty, uncaring.
These "A New Dawn" passages give even more depth to his (already wonderful) character.
The contrast with the balance that he found later in his life.
With his stable relationship with Hera.
With his ultimate act of love.
[Photo: a true Kanera celebration, these as always creative and gorgeous earrings by @geekablycute]

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