Ar'alani watches the turbolift doors close. Her expression holds thoughtfulness and uncertainty. "You're taking a terrible risk, Mitth'raw'nuruodo," she said. Her voice holds warning and disapproval. "He is unhappy, unwilling, and unconvinced."
"I know. That's part of the framework."
Ar'alani shakes her head. Her expression and body stance now hold worry. "Dangerous," she said. "Harboring a potential traitor is bad enough. Knowing you're harboring a potential traitor is worse."
"Not at all. One can make sure a potential traitor is prepared with the information and expertise one wishes the enemy to know."
"Is that your plan for Ronan?"
"It's merely a suggestion. He's yours now. What you do with him is up to you."
Ar'alani purses her lips. Her body stance now holds some dark amusement. "Someday, Mitth'raw'nuruodo, you'll overthink and overplan, and it will come crashing down all around you. When that happens, I hope someone is there to lift you back to your feet."
"You, perhaps?"
Ar'alani shakes her head. Her expression holds regret, perhaps even pain. "I very much fear I will never see you again. The growing chaos in the Ascendancy warns of coming war. If you don't return quickly, there may be nothing left for you to return to."
"I understand. But for now, I must remain here."
"Then do what you deem right," Ar'alani said. Her expression is stiff but firm, holding farewell. "And may warrior's fortune be ever in your favor."
I adore that they are so independent and so complete as individuals, in their goals, careers, lives, but, at the same time, they treasure each other immensely. And yes, this is the last time that Thrawn and Ar'alani see each other before, well, space squids.
["Crashing down all around you". Ar'alani prophetic as Bendu?]
But, no worries. This will not be my last post about them.
I am indeed a sappy happy ending person.
And it is so sweet that she is worried, and he notices.
It is so sweet that he firmly believes that if he will end up losing and losing badly, she will be the one there for him.
To help, rescue.
And lift him back.
[Photo: my perfect Funko Pop by @poppourrico]

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