“Congratulations, Commodore,” he said, inclining his head to her.
“You’ll remember I said you’d be here one day.”
“Actually, as I recall, you suggested I’d someday make admiral,” Ar’alani reminded him. “I still have a ways to go.”
“You’ll make it,” Thrawn said. “I understand you’ve been assigned the Destrama and Picket Force Six.”
“I have,” Ar’alani confirmed. “I’ve also requested that you be made my first officer.”
“Really,” Thrawn said, clearly surprised. “I thought your babysitting duties had ended.”
“You think you were aboard the Parala because General Ba’kif wanted me to look after you?”
“I think it was more a matter of wanting you to make sure I didn’t go off the edge.” Thrawn paused. “Again.”
“There may have been a bit of that,” Ar’alani conceded. “But that’s not really relevant. I asked for you because you’re a good officer.” She smiled faintly. “I also suspect there’ll be a promotion for you somewhere along the way.”
“Thank you,” Thrawn said. “I’ll try not to make you regret your decision.”
He hesitated. “I’m in need of advice, Commodore, if you have a moment to spare.”
“For you, what moments I can’t spare I’ll make,” she said, glancing past his shoulder. None of the other guests were close enough to hear. “And when it’s just the two of us, it can just be Thrawn and Ar’alani.”
He gave a sort of hesitant smile. “Thank you. That’s… I’m honored.”
Again, Ar’alani looked over his shoulder. Still six people lingering, but they were engrossed in conversation with one another and would never miss her. “Tell you what. Let’s go someplace a little quieter, and you can buy me a celebratory drink.”
She touched his arm. “And while we drink,” she said, “you can tell me all the other goals you have that the Ascendancy will pretend not to be grateful for.”
In search of Ar'alani merch, I thought: how to have her in a post without having her in a post?
[I do not know if it is more posh Thwawn arriving late, or Ar'alani deciding to leave her own party for drinking with him].

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