"My name is Lawquane, Cut Lawquane, and I'm just a simple farmer."
"You're a deserter."
"Well, I like to think I'm merely exercising my freedom to choose: to choose not to kill for a living."
"That is not your choice to make. You swore an oath to the Republic. You have a duty."
"I have a duty, you're right. But it's to my family. Does that count, or do you still plan to turn me in?"
"Do I have a choice?"
"I used to believe that being a good soldier meant doing everything they told you. That's how they engineered us.
But we're not droids. We're not programmed.
You have to learn to make your own decisions."
Second, perhaps, just to Ahsoka's, Rex's journey through the whole Star Wars canon is one of the most complete and compelling.
From the firm belief in his duties and loyalties to his progressive attention to clones' individualities and freedom to choose, Rex embodies the best of every person that wants to grow, learn, and evolve.
We are not trees. We can move.
We can change.
And if it is undeniable that society or situations play a fundamental role in narrowing our possibilities (change, sometimes, is just available because of an underlying privilege), it is also true that our lives are always in motion, no matter how others scripted us or our future.
"If that's where you feel your place is, then that's where you belong."
[Photo: an adorable Rex keychain by @raewardstudios. As you know, I am totally in love with this "snacks" collection. Rex bun of choice is a "blue bantha and bread" "surprisingly delicious". Indeed!
I prepare my 'blue milk', as in the picture, using butterfly peas tea and milk]

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